•Best Friend•

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Taehyung POV-

"Jimin ssi~" I called from the kitchen

"Yes tae?" A pitter-patter of feet came to me.

"Help me bring out the food" I grabbed the bowls of chips, popcorn, and pretzels.

He held both bottles of beer and soda in his arms and hands, waddling carefully to the living room. We set the food and drinks carefully on the coffee table, Jimin cutely sat on the couch cross-legged. I crawled over to the CD player and inserted a disc, after pressing play I ran to the seat next to the grey haired boy.

"You ready for three hours and twelve minutes of the ORIGINAL IT!?" I smiled widely at the small boy.

"No. I hate clowns. You know this asshole." He pouted sadly.

"Hey! This is why I'm here, I'm your big TAEddy bear you can cuddle when you're scared!" I gave him my signature box smile, making him smile.

"Okay but if I accidentally punch you it's not my fault"

The movie started playing and Jimin started drinking the beer. I couldn't drink tonight, which was a bummer.

"Drink every time Bill stutters" I said to him

"Oo alright" he nodded and sipped his beer was the main character stuttered out.

After 2 bottles Jimin was out. A total light weight this boy is. As usual he started being cute, he always does this when he is drunk. Whenever something funny was said by Richie, Jimin would blurt out cute giggles and words that didn't make sense.

"Ugh. YAH! Kim Taehyung turn your heater down!" Jimin hissed and pulled off his stripped turtleneck off.

Even though I wanted to smile, a frown tugged at my face. Fresh hickeys lined Jimin's neck, shooting a pain in my chest that hurt like being shocked with a thousand kilowatts.

He was with him. No wonder why he wore a damn turtleneck.

I balled up my fist and got up, walking straight to the bathroom. I locked the door and looked at myself in the mirror, my eyes were red. I sighed and started day dreaming.

"Why can't you love me like I love you?"

-flash back-

I was the shy kid at training school. I didn't like talking to the people that went to the school, they were rough and did too much. And being the shy kid I was, people thought I was wierd. But I'm fine with that, because I am. We were doing our last test mission and we were lined up, letting the headmaster pick out our partners.

"Okay all of you. This is the last mission, and the partners I pick out for you today will be your partners even when you graduate training school. So you better make acquaintances, or else you're damned."

The people around me nodded. We all wore suits, ties, or vests some designer and some not. Luckily for me my mother had scrapped enough money to buy me a Gucci Ghost vest. Making me stand out from the line of black and white.

The headmaster started reading through his list one by one, bodies started moving around to their match. The line thinned, me and a few others were left.

" Im Jaebum and Park Jin-young!"

"And last but not least. Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin!"

I looked to the side and my eyes were met with beautiful brown ones. His toothy grin made my insides feel warm. He started walking to me, hands behind his back.

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