•Suit & Tie•

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Taehyung and I walked into NISSK showing our badges to the Tiffany, the secretary, before heading to the elevator.

"Hoseok is here today!" Tae smiled

"Thank God!" I shoved my hands in my pockets of the long over coat I wore.

Jung Hoseok is a man of many talents, he is NISSK's personal tailor, and he's also second in line for president of the company. Hoseok may seem cute and innocent on the outside, but when you put him in the field and give him a sniper rifle. He rains hell. He's been in the company for 10 years, Hoseok started here when he was 14 with Namjoon, they had to hold a ton of responsibility. He is also nominated for the best sniper in all secret services. His main priority is on Suga, he's been trying to get him for forever. He gets closer each time they encounter each other.

"I really fucked up my suit last mission." We entered my office, I walked over to the dark wooden closet in the middle of my room and opened it.

I pulled out a dark blue suit. Paired with holes, rips, and dried old blood. I showed Taehyung the disaster. He looked at it and laughed seeing what I had done to it.

"I remember watching you fist fight Donghyun" Tae grabbed the almost ton off sleeve, I grinned a little remembering what happened.

Lessons in Taekwondo, Muay Thai, Jujitsu, MMA, Judo, and Hapkido really paid off.

"Let's go to Namjoon hyungs he's probably in there with him" I patted his shoulder with my spare hand and walked to the door.

Taehyung and I strode to his door across mine, he stood and knocked on it.

"Come in!" Tae grabbed the handle and pushed, we were greeted by Hoseok reading a measuring tape and Namjoon arms straight from his sides.

Hoseok looked up and smiled "hey 95z!" We giggled softly at him, he always called us that since he found out me and tae were born in the same year.

"Hey sunshine" I greeted back

"It'll be a minute gotta get Joon's measurements in" I nodded and walked to the rack of hangers beside him. I hung the ratted suit on one of the black hangers.

Tae sat down on the leather couch in front of Namjoon's desk and started playing games on his phone. I sat next to him and grabbed a TIME magazine.

5 minutes or so of waiting Hoseok's fast hands were handling the measuring tape on my leg.

"Damn Jimin your thighs are everything" he squeezed them with his hands

"Yah! Don't touch my thighs!" I squeaked, it tickled when he did that.

"Hoseok hyung just don't touch his booty that's mine!" Tae shouted from the leather chair

"You don't own my ass darling!" I yelled back. "Oh yes I do sweetheart!" He yelled back, Tae and I have a thing where we act like an old ass couple, I know. BEST FRIEND GOALS.

"You guys are fucking wierd" Hoseok laughed.

After he got the measurements written down, he caught glimpse of what I had down with my old suit.

"Dammit Jimin" he grabbed the cloth with only his pointer finger and thumb.


"I will never see an old suit that isn't fucked up from whatever you do." He put his hand on his thigh and tried to collect himself.

"BURBERRY and SAINT LAURENT personally made this for you!!" He grabbed one of the sleeves and smacked me with it. I guess him collecting himself didn't work.

"I'm sorry!" I rubbed my arm that he smacked. He huffed and blew his bangs up from his forehead.

"Have Gucci design it next time hyung!" Taehyung chimed in.

"Good idea" Hoseok nodded in agreement and went to his laptop, probably writing Gucci for this special offer.

"Kids come here" Namjoon swivled around his leather chair and put papers and an iPad pro facing us.

I scooted closer to screen and watched him scroll.

"So we found out that Jungkook fancies both sides" I looked up to Namjoon hyung with all the confusion in the world.

"What are you saying?" Tae looked at the strawberry blonde haired man behind the desk.

"I'm saying that Jimin, you need to get close to him."

"How close?"

He paused a second before answering

"Relationship close."

Taehyung's eyes popped out of their sockets.

"Nope." He crossed his arms and squinted his eyes.

"He can do it Taehyung ssi" Namjoon glanced at him "Like have you seen him?" He pointed at me, making tae look.

"Yeah I know he's an actual DAD, but I don't want that freak fucking around with MY best friend!" He pounded a hand on the glass table.

I grabbed Tae's hand and held it.


"But Jimin it-"

"No tae, this has to happen. As much as I hate to do it too this might be our chance."

He looked down and sighed.

"I just don't want you to be hurt."

"I can kill a man with my small ass pinky Taehyung, I promise I won't get hurt."

He squeezed my hand and groaned.


"But if anything happens.."

"I'm dragging him down to hell."


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