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Taehyung POV-

I sat in the cold weather of the early morning. The camera I held was freezing my fingers. I was watching Jimin and Jungkook, they were on a "date." Namjoon didn't tell me to do it. Im doing this for myself. I wanted to see what Jimin saw in this maniac.

I put my earphone on and dialed the volume high.

"Haha! Jungkook stop being cute and eat the rest of the cake!"

I clenched my fist my lip found its way in between my teeth making me bite down.

"Kookie let's take a picture!"

I turned on my camera and zoomed into their faces. Jimin held a phone up and pulled Jungkook close to him, they both smiled.

No one knew. No one would know how much I wanted to have that kind of relationship with Jimin.

He didn't belong to Jungkook,

He belonged to me.

Author POV-

Jimin sat on the red and black plaid blanket with his head rested on Jungkook's shoulder. He was humming a soft tune.

The soft chilly breeze blew through the air. Jimin cuddled up to kookie more, he could see him smile out of the corner of his eye. He grabbed Jimin's hand and interlaced it with his. He used his thumb to stroke the top of the grey haired boys hand.

"Jimin hyung"

"When did you start calling me 'Jimin hyung'?" He giggled

"I like calling you that" he leaned his head on Jimin's.

"Haha, so what'd you need kookie?" Jimin sat up and looked at Jungkook

Jungkook looked at the ground and sighed. Thoughts ran through his head like a marathon. He fiddled his thumbs and looked at Jimin with doubtful eyes, he didn't know if the question he would ask would turn out in his favor.

"Do-" he stopped and shook his head, trying to get more confidence.

"Do you like me?"

Jimin's eyebrows perked up, the question had surprised him.


Jimin reached over and grabbed his chin, bringing him closer.

"I do like you. I like you more than you know."

Jungkook smiled wider than he has ever smiled before. Happiness splurged inside him. He jumped into Jimin's lips kissing him still with that huge smile. He let go and held Jimin's arms.

"Will you be my boyfriend then?"

"Of course baby"

The happiness between each of the boys was appalling.

It seemed like everything and everyone was happy right there and then.

But in a building far away, a boy sat heartbroken. Tears streamed his face knowing that the love of his life had slipped away.



Sorry for this short Chapter ~.~ it's boring too. IM SORRY

Next chapter will have lots of action! So keep waiting♥️

Next chapter will have lots of action! So keep waiting♥️

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