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Extra long chapter ⤵️

The snow crunched beneath our feet as we walked in the forest. Pine trees surrounded us and I had no idea where I was going. Hansol was leading us to hopefully where the cabin was. Jungkook and I walked side by side, he was constantly puffing out his hot breath to see it colliding with the cold air to make smoke. Meanwhile I was freezing to death. Shivers crawled up and down me and my teeth chattered, it felt like they were going to break. I hugged myself tighter thinking it would help but it didn't. A couple of minutes passed and we were still in the forest, but I could see the cabin a little ways away. We came upon a snowmobile, it was black and white and it had two helmets on it. Hansol had kept on walking while me and Jungkook stopped to look at it.

"Is that yours Kookie?"

I pointed at it with shaking hands

"Yeah it's how I got you as close as I could"

He dug in his pocket and grabbed out the keys. He hopped on the back and started taking off his jacket, he placed his helmet on his head and slid the plastic up.


"I don't know Kookie"

"Hey you're freezing cold, I want you to get up there fast."

He held out the second helmet towards me.

I hesitated at first but knew he wouldn't take no for an answer.

"If you get scared just hold onto me okay?"

I nodded, he turned on the snowmobile and dropped the plastic on his helmet. I turned my head, leaning on Jungkook's back, I wrapped my arms around his waist and braced myself. I watched the pined trees move as we did, they blurred into a mess of green and brown and the sun was coming up adding a hint of orange and yellow into the pine tree mix.

As I rested on Jungkook's back, the realization of him being here finally came. I was touching him, my arms wrapped around him like before.
I finally had him back, and I knew, for sure, that I didn't want to loose him.


Jungkook POV-

I smiled to myself as I felt Jimin snake his arms around my waist.

You never really know how much you miss someone until you see them again. Coming here was terrifying for me. Yes I knew I wanted him back but, the thought that he hated me or that he didn't want me made myself want to go back to South Korea and not try at all. But I'm so damn glad that I did, because I just got back the love of my life. I pulled up to the cabin where Jimin was staying and stopped a couple of meters from the door. I took off my helmet and watched as Jimin got off from the snowmobile. He took his helmet off and shook his head, his light brown hair covered his forehead and a small bit of his eyes showed, and his nose was pink due to the cold climate.

He looked like an angel.

He handed me the helmet and looked at me for a good second.

He took a step closer to me.

His hand reached up to cup my cheek, I leaned into his hand and grin slightly. He slid his hand away and smiled. He turned to leave to the cabin, his back to me. My hands gripped on the handles of the snowmobile. I didn't want to go off like this. I jumped off the snowmobile and grabbed my jacket, I braced myself and then ran to him. I stomped in the snow and got closer to him, I reached for his shoulder, turning him around to face me.

"Jungkook wha-"

I cut him off with a kiss.

He was tense at first but I could feel him melt into me after a few seconds. I placed my hands on his hips and leaned in closer to him. He wrapped his arms around my neck and titled his head to the side.

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