
6.9K 274 144

After 9 long hours of flight we were finally at Hawaii. An immediate feeling of humidity and burning sun hit me as we exited the airport. I got the attention of a taxi and told him to take us to a place where they sold car rentals. The place the driver dropped us off was beautiful. Palm trees lined the property, and shiny sports cars displayed in the parking lot. Since Jungkook was way more excited about which car we had than me, I decided to let him choose. After scanning the whole lot he chose a sleek black Mercedes Benz convertible.

"It's 1,000 a day" the man behind the counter told us after looking at the computer.

Jungkook just smiled and nodded, he leaned into my ear and whispered.

"I got the car"

I didn't complain, I know we both make good money where we work. The car keys that held the Mercedes Benz logo on it was handed to Jungkook. He took it happily and ran out the door. After I signed the needed papers I walked out the door, finding the hottest/most boyfriend material thing I've ever seen. Jungkook had dropped the top to the car and was sitting on the edge of the hood waiting for me. The flannel he wore was off and was hung over his shoulder, and his white t-shirt sleeves rolled up for an even tan. His brown fringe flowed freely in the Hawaiian breeze. His head turned to the side showing off his amazing jawline. The sunglasses he wore we're at the tip of his nose and a smile planted his face when he saw a little dog coming.

Damn, I'm lucky.

He turned his head and saw me walking towards him. He got up and opened my side of the car,

"Why thank you" I said in a posh manner

"You're very welcome" he bowed and ran over to his side.

The purr of the engine made the car jolt to life. There was a GPS hooked onto the car also. So I typed in the address and Jungkook started driving.

The sun, trees, people, and ocean just everything was amazing.

After a couple turns and long winding streets we were finally at our home away from home. I had rented out a house a little far from the beach but the hot tub and pool made up for it in the back. It was a pretty modern house. Its 2 floors, holding 3 rooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 full-sized kitchen, a balcony, and an incredible view. I looked at my phone to get the password for the keypad outside. Once I dialed it in I entered into the house. The smell of eucalyptus oil sprang towards me and the salt of the sea blew into the house from the open windows. I walked outside to the balcony and watched the seagulls cry and fly.

"This is what Paradise is."

Jungkook said behind me and grabbed my waist, pulling me close. I laid my head on the crook of his shoulder and smiled.

"I'm glad I'm spending it with you."


It was the next morning and I woke up to an empty bed. I sat up and stretched trying to figure out where I was.

Oh right, I'm in Hawaii.

I grinned and looked around for the younger boy. The balcony door had been opened and the wind of the early morning was blowing the curtains from their positions. I got onto my feet, grabbing Jungkook's shirt from the ground and threw it on. I then looked out to the balcony. No one. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and wandered off to the kitchen. Finally I saw Jungkook. He was shirtless with his muscles from his back only showing to me. His arms were moving around. I leaned against the doorway and crossed my arms, watching the boy with a smile on my face. A click of the stove went off and he turned around. He jumped when he saw me looking at him from the doorway.

"Oh fuck you scared me" He laughed and grabbed his chest.

"Come sit"

I walked over to the island where he was cutting a boiled egg and sat. He placed a plate in front of me containing sliced avocado, sliced boiled egg, and a little clump of rice.

"Damn Jungkook you're really a great boyfriend you know that?"

"I know" he winked and sat next to me.

We ate our food and conversed on what we were going to do today.

"Ooo I wanna get shirts"


"You know Hawaiian button up shirts"

"Ah! I see"

I jotted the idea down on my phone. A ding sounded off and a text message sprang from the top of my screen.

After everything that happened you decide to leave me and go on a fucking vacation?!

My heartbeat rose.

"Who's 'TaeTae'?"

I jumped at Jungkook's voice


"Who is that guy? Why is he so mad?"


"He's just a friend.. it's nothing"

"Oh um okay"

I stood up and grabbed my shoes and put them on.

"You ready?"


He stood up and grabbed the keys. We both walked out and got into the car. We drove with only the radio playing, unlike the usual conversation we had.

"Do I tell him about Taehyung?"

"Do I tell him everything?"


Spoiler -ish

The next chapter is gonna be extra long and it's gonna be titled "Trouble in Paradise" ;)

Thank you for 1.07k reads :****) I cri I'm so thankful


bye see you soon<3

bye see you soon<3

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