•Temporary Leave•

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That Christmas party had me in a mix of emotions. So many that I couldn't take being there any longer.

"Taehyung. Let's leave."

"What? Why?"

"Come on, I'll explain during the car ride."

He nodded and we shuffled down the hallway. We grabbed our shoes and slipped them on, tiptoeing to the main doors.

"Hey where are you guys going?"

I turned to see Hoseok coming towards us.

"We were just leaving"

"What why? It's only 9"

Taehyung placed a hand on my back and tapped me with his finger with Morse code like patterns. I was confused at first but I let the vibration of his finger register in my head and I understood.

Act sick.

I coughed and sniffled a little

"Jimin is feeling a little sick"

"Oh no, are you okay?"

Hoseok looked at me worried

"Don't worry hyung, Tae is just going to take me home. I'll rest, I'll be okay"

I followed that up with a cough and a smile.

"Okay but if you need anything call"

I nodded and bowed. Turning around I opened the doors, Taehyung and I walked out to his car.

Hoseok POV-

I looked around the empty halls on Namjoon's mansion, it's decorated beautifully. I was coming back from the bathroom, when I encountered a familiar pair.

"Hey where are you guys going?"

Jimin turned around as I walked towards him.

"We were just leaving"

I scrunched my eyebrows

"What? Why? It's only 9"

I watched as Taehyung place a hand on Jimin's back. Shortly after he starting coughing and sniffling.

"Jimin is feeling a little sick"

I softened my eyebrows and looked at the smaller.

"Oh no, are you going to be okay?"

"Don't worry hyung, Tae is just going to take me home. I'll rest, I'll be okay."

He assured me with a smile and a sudden cough

"Okay if you need anything call"

He nodded and bowed. He turned and opened the doors and walked out with Taehyung.

"Those two are glued to the sides."

I whispered to myself.

I turned around to head back to man cave. I shoved my hands into my pockets and shuffled slowly. I looked around and appreciated the decor more. My feet stopped when my head turned to the hallway where Namjoon had his studio, which he specifically said was off-limits.

Three men, one of them Namjoon and the other I couldn't recognize. I tilted my head to get a better view. Namjoon seemed a little heated, he used his hands to exaggerate the words that came out from his mouth. The vein in his neck popped out and his face was dark from the redness. The two men dressed in all black, their hair black too. The taller of the two tried to talk to Namjoon but he wouldn't let him. The shorter one just watched with arms crossed. For some reason both of them, especially the taller seemed familiar. The wide shoulders.. the way he stood..

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