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I snuggled up on the couch and watched the gloomy clouds from my window.

The sky cried this morning.

It's sad.

I feel it's pain too.

The cold weather always felt comforting, but this year everything is weird. December crawled into view everyday, and I'm usually excited for Christmas and Taehyung's birthday, but I can't be normal anymore. Jungkook made me feel so weird.. In a good way.

Words couldn't describe what he meant to me.

Today I wad reminiscing, too much. I felt things again about him that I wanted to go away.

But no matter hard I tried i still thought about him.

I missed it.

I miss him..

"You changed your hair?"

Taehyung picked up a strand and rubbed it.

"Yeah I wanted something more natural"

"Light brown really suits you, you look super cute"

He smiled and patted my head.


I shyly said, I don't even know why I still get shy from compliments even if they're from anyone close to me.

I grabbed my pen and kept writing down numbers on files.

"Taehyung-ah are you coming to Namjoon hyungs early Christmas party tonight?"

He looked up from his paper and nodded.

"I wouldn't miss Namjoon hyungs parties, he goes all out"

He smiled and reached for his banana milk.

"I might be a little late"

"Why?" He raised his eyebrows

"I gotta make rounds at Kibum hyungs house"

"Oh yeah the threats" he nodded and looked at the clock.

"It's time to leave out my man"

I looked at the bottom of my laptop screen. It's 5:30.


I stacked my papers and put them in the file carefully placing it back in my desk and grabbing my things. Taehyung waited by the door for me, hand on the light switch. He turned the lights off as I walked next to him. We entered the elevator pressing the ground floor button, the empty sound of elevator music hummed slightly in our ears while traveling down.

"Can you pick me up at 8?" I asked looking at my watch.

"You're heading out there at 6?"

"Yeah, then when the party is over I'll check again later"

I flung my coat over my shoulders and tucked in my shirt.

"Alrighty sounds good"

He nodded, the elevator dinged and the doors opened smoothly. We both stepped out and went off.


Driving home was first priority. I need to change into something cozier than a suit and tie.

Once I was got home and entered my warm house, I traveled to my bedroom and dove into my closet. I grabbed a Burberry turtleneck that was a mocha brown color way, black jeans ripped at the knees, and Chelsea boots of the same color as my top. I headed to the garage and opened the safe that held all the dangerous stuff I had, I grabbed my gun holster, my pistols, and my bulletproof vest.

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