•Before The Meeting•

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My eyes opened and they met with a white wall. I fluttered my eyes to see better since it was all blurry. I breathed out a huff of air and kept staring at the blank wall. A vibration sudden shook the bed, I moved my hand around my bed and tried looking for the cold titanium and glass so familiar to my hands. I found it under my pillow and pulled it out to see who was calling, the time displayed as 6:45 AM. The vibration had stopped but then quickly started again. The caller ID was flashing the name "Jeon Jungkook." I slid my thumb across the screen and held it up to my ear.


I said in a soft whisper.

"Jiminie hyung?"

"Jungkookie why are you calling so early?"

"I just wanted to talk hyung, I'm on the roof meet me up here."

"Okay I'm coming."

The line went silent and I sat up on the bed. I looked over and saw Taehyung looking dead and sprawled out on his bed, clinging onto a pillow for dear life. I hustled myself from the bed quietly and made my way to my suitcase, grabbing a pair of bleach stained skinny jeans and an oversized flowing dress shirt. Before going I silently walked over to Taehyung and pulled the blanket over his body. I slipped on some shoes and sneaked off out the door. I half walked and half sprinted down to the left side of the hallway. I kept reading the plaques and finally I ended at the end of the hallway, a door with a glass window peeked at a stair well and the sign said "Rooftop."

I pushed the door and hurriedly ran up the stairs. After 2 flights of stairs I saw the door out. I stood behind the door and caught my breath, I swooped my hair down fixing it. I balled my fist up and turned the door handle. I walked out into the concrete floor, a small breeze blew on my face. The sun was showing about a quarter of itself. I turned my head, trying to look for Jungkook. I hugged myself and walked around.


I repeated myself twice before I got an answer.

"Jiminie hyung!"

I spun my head to the voice. I was met with a smile with little bunny teeth, his eyes squinted as he looked at me. My legs made a run for it, it's been a while since I've seen him and I missed everything. It felt like seconds before I ended up in his arms. He lifted me up and spun me around. Happiness filled me up, my heart beat doubled. He set me down, arms still wrapped around me. I locked eyes with him and smiled.

"Damn you don't know how much I missed you.."

He leaned into me, our lips connected and electricity coursed through my veins. Our lips moved together and our heartbeats synced together too. We both pulled away and looked at each other's eyes. I didn't know what to say so I stayed silent. This moment was quiet, but it was nice. Birds chirped and the sun creeped into the sky more. I pulled myself away from his eyes and gave him a hug. I listened to his heart beat, it gave me comfort to finally be in his arms again. I felt his head rest on top of mine, a smile spread on my face quickly.



I felt his head lift so I let go of him, standing right in front of him eye to eye again.

"I'm glad I got to see you again."

"I'm glad too."

The corner of his lip turned into a soft smirk, melting my insides. The wind blew his black hair in the wind and just some how, that made him look like an angel. I looked down and smiled at my feet, the quickly looked back at him. Jungkook reached over to me and grabbed my hand.

"C'mon let's talk over here"

He turned and walked me over to ledge of the company buliding. He let go and sat down throwing his legs over the edge. I followed his actions and sat next to him.

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