•Wake Up•

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Taehyung POV-

Darkness was the first thing I saw.

Nothing but a blank canvas.

I took each step with caution, not knowing what would happen if I wasn't careful. A static in the black room dragged me to it. A hole opened and my curious mind wanted to see what was in it. I put one foot inside and the other, then my whole body was inside. Electricity coursed through my veins. Memories of my past and present flowed passed me. I shut my eyes because all of the memories were awful. I put my hands over my ears to block all of the familiar voices. They were too loud, I can still hear them.


The voices that haunted me disappeared.

I opened my eyes and dropped my hands.

I was face to face with a woman.

A smile formed on my face when the realization kicked in.


She raised her hand and caressed my cheek. Her hand cold but still comforting.

"Taehyung-ah, you need to wake up okay?"

Her soft voice alarmed me.


She dropped her hand and smiled. The figure of my mother stood in front of me started to disappear, and change into someone else.

It took minutes when another face was in front of me.

The smile that gave me undescribable happiness. His eyes could make me cry from their beauty. His milky skin that I wish I could kiss.


He laughed and I swore I could hear the bells of angels ring.


He took a step closer and grabbed my hand.

"Come with me"

We walked through the darkness. I looked over at the small boy, he was smiling. I didn't know what he was smiling at but it was okay, I didn't mind seeing it. Jimin had interlaced our fingers, I rubbed the smaller hand with my thumb. Figure next to me stopped making me stop next to him. He dragged me in front of him.

"You're not supposed to be here taetae."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you belong in the light, the place where you breathe and live."

I looked into the blackness around me.

"I don't know.."

"Taehyung you need to wake up."

"People up there are waiting for you, crying for you."

"You need to wake up."

He let go of my hand and the smile turned to sorrow.


He pushed me and my body tipped over like a bottle.

My arms floated next to me.

A coldness engulfed me. I was in water.

I tried swimming up but it felt like there was a metal ball chained to my ankles.

I kicked and screamed making me gulp in the cold liquid.

I couldn't take it anymore.

My lungs felt like fire.

My body relaxed.

And my fight stopped.

I let the darkness take me.


My eyes fluttered to life. The brightness of the sun was blinding me. I groaned and huffed out a breath and tried to stretch my arms, but a pain restricted me. I gathered my surroundings and realized I was in a hospital. A sunflower portrait was poorly placed on the wall and an old TV was under it. It was softly playing a cartoon I couldn't recognize because of the small screen. My body still ached when I tried moving any part of it. Bandages lined my arms.
The place where it hurt the most was my left side. I turned my head and looked where the sun was peeking through the big window.

Two figures were sleeping under it. One with legs tucked into his chest on the others lap. The other with red hair was leaned up uncomfortably on the window, but he looked peaceful while sleeping.

I coughed and readied my voice to call out to them.

"Hoseok hyung"

My voice seemed pressed and broke for some reason.

The older didn't wake up to my call, so I just waited. I looked at the sunflower again and tried to remember what happened to make me be in a hospital with shooting pain throughout my whole body.

I closed my eyes and dug inside my brain.

Jimin went on vacation.

I was mad that he left me.

I told him we needed to talk.

He said he couldn't tell me the truth.

Then Jungkook came.

I told him everything.

Jungkook shot me.

I opened my eyes and looked down at my left side. My head slowly traveling to the sleeping boys under the window.

Only focusing on the smaller, peacefully sleeping. His face was puffy and the color red was under his eyes. He was frowning while sleeping. He'd been crying the whole night.

I looked away.

Regret filled me up.

I ruined him.

I looked back at him, wetness filled my eyes and started flowing.

I brought my voice to a low whisper.

"I know when you wake up and find me awake on this bed, you'll forgive me. You'll forget what I did, because that's what you always do when I fuck up. Jimin. You're my world and the first person to ever believe in me. And I'm sorry I'm always on the receiving end of things. I'm sorry for being selfish."

"I'm sorry for loving you.."


Thanks for reading babes ;) <3



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