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Week 2-

"Jimin-ah! Stand by that tree!"

Taehyung called out to me and pointed his finger at the evergreen tree. Ever since I gave him that camera he's been obsessed, taking pictures of anything and everything.

"C'mon chimmy!"

I smiled to myself and trudged through the snow. The distinctive smell of the evergreen came into my nose, even though Christmas had passed it smelled like it.

"Okay now look up at it and smile!"

I licked my lips and looked up at the big tree. Sap was leaking from its damaged sides, making the smell even stronger. I placed my hand on it's grainy sides, chirping suddenly came. A blue bird landed on a branch high above me. It sang a song to itself, a sweet and beautiful tune. A smile appeared on my face as I heard the melodic tweet.


"You look ethereal Jimin, you should've been a model."

I looked back at Taehyung and smiled.

"Nah I wouldn't have met you then"

I walked my way to Taehyung, he was looking down at his camera. The sun was setting slowly behind him, his brown hair glowed while it was all happening.

"Taetae let's go inside it's getting dark"

He nodded and turned as I passed his side. We entered the house and stomped off the snow that stuck on us. We placed our boots by the fireplace and headed to the couch. Hansol had been sitting at the kitchen table, on his laptop.
I sat down next to Taehyung and leaned into his ear.

"Tae it's kind of weird that he's been on his laptop for 2 weeks straight"

Taehyung looked over at Hansol and shook his head.

"Yeah it is, I mean he hasn't been looking after us like Namjoon had said."

"He also has been giving me this off setting vibe."

I bit my lip and shook my head

"He's probably just busy."

I looked over at the fire and watched it crackle. It's orange red ambers covered the bottom. It was putting me in a trance, how the fire danced with the little wind that was inside.

"Earth to Jimin"

I slowly turned my head to him

"You've been losing yourself lately"

"Losing myself?"

"Like getting lost in space"

"Oh sorry I don't know what's wrong with me"

Taehyung looked over at me and smiled softly.

"It's okay nothing wrong with you chimmy"

I nodded and sat back on the couch. We talked about small things, occasionally Taehyung would crack a joke to lighten the air up.

What seemed like a few minutes had passed I looked over at the clock that hung behind Taehyung.


"Damn Tae time passed by quick"

He turned to see the clock too

"Oh damn yeah"

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah kind of"

"Alright we should head off then"

I stood up and started my way down the hallway where the bedrooms were. I stopped at the last door and pushed it open.

A cold gust of wind rushed out my door. I noticed that my window was open, and snow was coming inside.

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