•Sex on a Plane•

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"Jimin hyung?"

"What are you doing this week?"

"Nothing why?"

"Do you want to go to Hawaii with me?"

"Yes! I mean, yeah of course"

"But wait why?"

My feet crunched on fallen leaves from the tree branches above me.

"I need a break from Seoul, and I want to spend that break with you." I smiled sadly to myself.

I giggle came from the other end making my heart skip a beat.

"Did I ever tell you how cute you are?"

"Jiminie hyung stop, you're making me smile too much"

I laughed and kicked a pebble that I passed by.

"When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow afternoon, so be ready"

"Okay I'll see you Jiminie"

"Bye I'll pick you up tomorrow Kookie"

I hung up and shoved my phone into my pocket. I somehow found myself in a state of happiness after talking to Jungkook. I wrapped my scarf around my mouth so I could smile without anyone thinking I was crazy.

While smiling I had thought of something...

I found someone who makes me happy.


Jungkook and I sat in the executive lounge waiting for our flight to be called. We were taking first class, which was a relief I could book a room in such a short time.

"How are we going to survive in Hawaii? I'm guessing neither of us know english" Jungkook looked down to me, I was laying on his lap.

"I know english"

I silently thanked Namjoon for teaching me english.


"Enough to ask around for things" he smiled a little

"You should really tell me more about you Jiminie, I just realized I hardly know you" he placed a hand on my stomach and patted it.

"I promise I'll tell you more about myself when we get to Hawaii"

I tickled the bottom of his chin making his bunny teeth show through his bright smile.

"Flight 16 South Korea to Hawaii now boarding at gate 3, 10 minutes before take off."

"That's us! Let's go!" I hopped off Jungkook's lap and grabbed my suitcases and duffle bags.

We walked to gate 3 and gave our tickets to the ticket agents. We settled into our first class rooms. This airplane had individual rooms for each passenger. This gave us privacy.


We took our bags and placed them in their appropriate spots and settled into our seats in the room and buckeld up.

"How did you manage to get this room hyung?"

"I'm rich" I said sarcastically flipping my non-existent long hair from my shoulder.

Jungkook laughed and threw his head back. His chuckle was super sexy.

"Alright all passengers please buckle your seat belts, we are taking off. You can unbuckle when the light turns green above your seats. Have a great trip! And thank you for choosing Korean Air!"

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