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Author POV-

The moon of the night shone brightly in the sky.

Two boys looked at the moon, and wondered many things. Thoughts traveled through their brains and sadness attached to them like little leeches. They hated this sadness, they wanted it to leave. But their longing for each other couldn't let it happen.


He spent his days looking at nothing and feeling nothing. The mornings when he worked were just another thing to keep his mind off of Jimin, but he always managed to sneak his way into the youngers mind.

It didn't bother Jungkook, he liked remembering those events.

He misses the genuine smile he gave him when he told a joke, he misses the soft kisses Jimin would sneak when he was half asleep, he misses the mornings where he woke up the elders messy bed head and deep voice, he just misses Jimin. Every single detail about the other was printed in Jungkook's mind. Jungkook looked up at the sky every night, hoping a shooting star would pass so he could make a wish. The wish would be for everything to go back, he wanted to fix things.

Because even though Jimin hurt him, he was still in love.





He wanted something that would rid of his memories of the younger, so the people around him wouldn't suffer. But deep inside, he cherished those memories and replayed them everyday in his head. He misses Jungkook, but he wonders if he even thinks about him. He looks on his phone, unknowingly pressing the ex-lovers messages. He scrolls endlessly, until the flashing of the screen makes him close his eyes.

He squeezed them shut for a few seconds and opens them up. Four letters met his eyes.

Four letters that can change a person's life forever.

I love you too

He looked at those four letters and his heart shook.

Jimin felt that impact like it was yesterday when Jungkook first told him he loved him. Jimin felt like his whole world was a mess. Nothing could make it right. Piles on piles of bullshit covered him. He hated this, he spent sleepless nights thinking about leaving. Leaving this cold empty world, but he thought about his only saviour in life.


He always wanted the younger happy, and it would kill him, even more than now, to know that he left him hurting.

So he stayed for him, because he knew he cared.

Jimin POV-

I walked into the agency, with a suitcase full of papers I had finished the other day.

I had another night of having barely any sleep. It was weird, I wasn't able to sleep because of the normal reasons but I had a feeling something was going to be off today.

"I don't know, I think I'm going crazy."

I stepped out of the elevator and walked down the hallway towards my office.

I looked at the ground, watching my shoes shining from the high powdered lights above me. My head lifted and my body stopped, I watched as people with black jumpsuits and face masks came in and out of my office with boxes. One of the men came towards me and I stopped him by grabbing his arm.

"What are you guys doing?! That's my office!"

He pushed my hand away and fixed himself.

"I'm sorry sir, this was an order given to us by the CEO."

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