F o r t y E i g h t

367 11 3

"Her shows up for an award tonight bud, so she'll be there you know," Dom sat down in the hotel room window seat, "In fact she's probably in this hotel. Most people here for the awards ceremony are," he shrugged.

"I'm already a nervous wreck Dom, please don't make it any worse," I groaned, throwing my head back against the headboard, "What the hell am I going to say to her if I see her?"

"Make small talk, ask her how things are, talk about the show, I don't know just don't fuck it up?" he laughed slightly, clearly as lost as I was about how to approach the possible scenario that I was likely to face tonight.

"Fucksake, surely I can't make things any worse right?" I exhaled heavily, my heart thumping so hard I thought it might burst out of my chest, "It's past 5:30, we need to go,"


@domsherwood me and the parabatai are ready and en route to the #TCAS see you there angels! tagged @matthewdaddario

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@domsherwood me and the parabatai are ready and en route to the #TCAS see you there angels! tagged @matthewdaddario

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"What can I say that will make this less painful for you?"

"Nothing. Don't say anything, not another word ok; just turn around and leave,"

"I can't do that,"

"Why not?"

"Because that means breaking your heart,"

"That doesn't matter. It's already broken,"

Disillusionment - Matthew Daddario Where stories live. Discover now