F i f t y N i n e

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"Ivy are you sure about this?" Lukes voice chirped with concern, he was back at my place with Jensen causing a plethora amount of mess no doubt.

Men are messy little bastards aren't they?

"I'm sure Luke, he needs a friend, like I did almost two years ago, I know how it feels to be without one and I wouldn't wish that on anyone, not even him," I sighed, "The past is the past and I'll forgive and never forget, but I can move forward and be the bigger person,"

"You're too kind and good for this world Ives," he laughed lightly, "Jensen said don't be late, we're still having lunch later and he said be there or be square,"

"He wouldn't dare," I chuckled before saying my goodbyes and hanging up.

I crossed the road quickly and before I knew it I was face to face with what was once mine and Matthews favourite breakfast cafe.

I gazed nervously through the windows to see nothing had changed at all, the decor and booths were still the same cherry red and white theme. Messages and phrases of self love and encouragement were sprawled across the long wall at the back. Fresh flowers adorned each and every table. The breathtaking jukebox with everyone's favourite classics still sat at the far end of the joint. It was a breath of familiarity and I loved and craved it.

The window at the back corner, overlooked the creek that ran by the back of the buildings on this street, when the sun was high, as it was now, it reflected little rainbows in the water than ran over the rocks, it was a beautiful thing to see and we always loved watching it each and every morning. The table in front of that window, was ours, whenever I flew here to see him, this table was always reserved for us by Mable the early morning worker.

She must of known we were planning on coming because as I sat in my seat the old grandfather clocked chimed, telling me it was ten, I sighed, "Always the early bird hey Matthew,"

"I couldn't ever dare allow myself to be late for you Ivy,"

Disillusionment - Matthew Daddario Where stories live. Discover now