Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 is here for you!!!


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I do not own Marvel:(

‘Fandral.’ Thor voiced, nodding towards him, signalling him.

‘Right.’ Fandral swiftly remembered. He picked up a rope and stepped on the edge-rim of the ship.

‘For Asgard.’ He proudly stated before jumping off the ship. His rustic blonde hair flowing in the breeze, the rope held firmly in his hand.

He used the rope to swing himself onto the ship behind us before knocking out the guards. He made it look easy. He looked back to us before saluting Thor. As we moved further and faster he began to look smaller; we were almost there and Fandral’s job was done.

And then I looked forward. I wish I hadn’t.

Loki was directing us into a mountain and it looked like he had no intention of turning around.

‘Loki!’ Thor boomed, becoming concerned with the lack of faith in Loki as we neared the mountain top.

‘If it were easy everyone would do it.’ Loki said enthusiastically as me and Tora sat down and prepared ourselves.

‘Are you mad!?’ Thor questioned harshly.

Yes, yes he is.

Loki neared a hole in the mountain. It was incredibly small and would most definitely be a tight fit.

‘Possibly.’ Loki cunningly answered, grinning at Thor’s uneasiness.

Then I realised. He was actually going to go for it.

The hole suddenly became bigger, even though it was still a tight squeeze. Sharply, the ship bumped around in the narrow and sharp space. I feel like I’m gonna be sick – was one of Tora’s thoughts when I accidently read her mind. She looked like she was as well. Jane clenched onto Thor’s armour and held on with her small but powerful grip. Thor held his arm around her easing her nervousness. The problem was, he was just as nervous as her.

I think Loki is the only one enjoying himself. I thought as I saw his menacing smirk and shadowed eyes, his pale skin was dented around his cheeks as his smile grew more and more, announcing our arrival.

‘Ta-da.’ He announced, on our bumpy entrance into Svartelheim.


We began to drift across the wasteland of Svartelheim. Each of us stared into the distance and stared at our surroundings. The realm’s atmosphere was stained a murky green, swimming with despair and uncertainty. Basically, yeah, I wouldn’t want to live here.

Jane laid down out of relief that Loki’s hell ride was over. Thor placed a piece of material over her to keep her warm and she shut her eyes. Tora sat next to her and watched to make sure she was okay.

I sat on the edge of the boat and looked at our alien surroundings, taking it all in. I can’t believe I’m actually here. It’s like a dream. Everything that’s happened all mushed together, and I’m not sure whether it’s a dream or a nightmare. Loki’s voice broke my thoughts.

‘What I could do with the power that flows through those veins.’ Loki said quietly, watching Thor take away a piece of surplus hair from Jane’s forehead.

Thor merely laughed at his suggestion. ‘It would consume you.’

He knew full well that Loki was power-hungry, always was, always will. I guess there must have been a time when he wasn’t I thought. He knew Loki would also do anything to acquire such power; the aether was not to be played with, even I knew that.

‘She’s holding up all right,’ Loki confessed then his tone darkened. ‘for now.’

‘She’s strong in ways you’d never even know.’ Thor sternly replied, sending his brother a challenging look.

‘Say goodbye.’ Loki roughly added, plucking stings within the tight chest of his brother.

‘Not this day.’ Thor replied, sending his undivided attention to Jane and then rose to his feet once more.

‘This day, the next,’ oh god, here we go I thought. ‘a hundred years, it’s nothing.’ Loki drilled, pausing while watching Thor’s agitated form move across the aircraft, he then rested on the ship rim. ‘It’s a heartbeat. You’ll never be ready. The only woman whose love you prised will snatched from you.’

‘And will that satisfy you!’ I jumped at the sound of Thor’s booming voice.

‘Satisfaction is not in my nature.’ Loki tormented, aggravating the argument, he moved closer to Thor.

‘Surrender’s not in mine.’ Thor finished, without a hint of hesitation.

‘The son of Odin.’ Loki spoke, infuriating Thor.

‘No, not just of Odin.’ Thor growled. ‘You think you alone who loved mother? You had her tricks but I had her trust!’

‘Trust?!’ Loki questioned, annoyance grazing his voice. ‘Was that her last expression? Trust!? When you let her die!

Both of them were now emotionally moved by Loki’s last comment.

‘What help were you in your cell?’ Thor barked.

‘Who put me there? Who put me there!’ Loki roared with uncontrollable rage.

‘You know damn well! You know damn well!!’ Thor shouted, raising his fist.

Peering into Loki’s eyes he knew he couldn’t. After all he was (sort of) his brother. Thor haltered for a brief moment, watching Loki’s body as he almost shriek backward in fear. I don’t think it was Thor he was afraid of. It was the reality of loss that loomed within their hearts. Their mother was gone, nothing was going to bring her back and that was something they had to accept. Thor released Loki from his firm grip on his attire pushing him backwards a little.

‘She wouldn’t want us to fight.’ Thor confessed.

‘Well.’ Loki began, please Loki for the love of God, say something sensible! ‘She wouldn’t exactly be shocked.’ Close enough.

This feeling was old, this feeling lurked within them when they called each other ‘brother’.

‘I wish I could trust you.’ Thor said, as if it was (sort of) his fault.

He knew Loki couldn’t be trusted, it was too plain to see. Loki frowned, his brow dipped in confusion, pain and anger. Even he knew that he couldn’t and wouldn’t trust himself. But there was one thing.

‘Trust my rage.’ 

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