Hot chocolate

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The lovely Kristina Webb (playing Lilac)


*Lilac's POV*

We walked into the cafe to be greeted by a Italian voice "Please take you dog outside no dogs aloud here!" We turned around, it was a waiter he looked pretty terrifying actually. "Its fine I'll take Jesse outside while you go find a table." I replied "ok"

I chose a table in the corner with sofa seats as brad walked in. " what would you like sir?" The waiter said.
"Umm what would you like, Lilac?"
"What your having is fine..."
"Ok two hot chocolates please"

"So...what do you do for a living?" I said
"Well I write and sing songs on YouTube"
"Oh wow I'm a part time hairdresser ... by the way you have amazing curls there so curly! Well obviously because there curls what am I saying you know what I mean" I said red and embarrassed.
"Cool maybe you could do my hair one day don't straighten it though because I'm always scared my curls will fall out!"


"sorry have to take this call" brad said rushing outside, leaving me to sip my hot chocolate in peace. I realized I got a text from my friend, Lauren.

'Hey where are you I thought we were meeting in town?'

I totally forgot! when I bumped into brad I was just star struck!

'I'll be there in a sec just bumped into someone on the way or rather a dog and someone'

'Ok c u there'

I rushed outside brad didn't notice me as he was still busy on his phone.
I decided to leave him a note saying:

'Sorry forgot I had to meet a friend here's my number text me'

*Brad's POV*

Ugh why did James have to call me when I was in the middle of the best time in my life? Anyways he said there was something about the band and we were going to get one more member Tristan whose going to do drums.

I'm quite excited because this is my dream to sing and play music hopefully the song me and James wrote called 'Can we dance?' will be a big hit.

After me and James said bye I walked back in but Lilac wasn't here.

Great! she's abandoned me don't blame her she probably got bored.

I shouldn't of left her by herself. I looked closer at the table it was just the bill great and I'm pretty skint at the moment. Well Jesse did lick her after all it was fair that I pay for them. I gave the waiter the money and left.

"Excuse me sir!" the waiter shouted "Yes? did I not give you enough money sorry my maths is terrible!"
"No no no here is a note from that girl in the red coat"
I read it and added her number in my contacts.

Hopefully I will see her again...

This is my second chapter hopefully you are enjoying it so far I know its rubbish but it will get better, I really enjoy writing and want to be a author when I'm older so thanks to anyone who reads this

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Hayley xxx

The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now