The new girl

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This is for @daisydoodlexx We are doing a joint story because the main character in hers is Lyra and Lilac is her best friend in it. I would be grateful if you checked out her story 'Clumsy' its really good so far.

Also 'Jade Thirlwall' from little mix, playing Lyra


*Lilac's POV*

"Everybody this is Lyra" said Mr Green, my form tutor

"Hey everyone" she said shyly waving a hand knocking down Mr Green's cup of coffee in the progress.

"Ummm Lyra you can sit next to..." said Mr Green scanning around the class room.

Please not me, Please not me, Please not me


I turned round to Brad, he raised his eyebrows at me.

Great I thought.

"I'm not that horrible you know" said Lyra looking hurt.

Did I say that out loud? guess I did, I looked at Lyra instantly feeling guilty, its not that I don't like her its just that newbies have a certain reputation in the school. Lyra was a girl with brown curly locks reaching her shoulders and green emerald eyes like mine, she was wearing our same bland grey uniform.


Lesson one : French, this day isn't getting any better

"Ohh shittt" I muttered

"what's up?" said a person, I looked up. There was Lyra I didn't even realize she was there. She slid into the seat next to me.

"I only forgot my French textbook" I said putting my head in my hands

"Don't worry you can share mine Mrs ummmm what's her name again?"

"Mrs Royals" I replied

"So I was saying.. Mrs Royals will never notice" she said giving me a warm smile. I think this is going to be the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

"yeah" I said "Shes half blind anyways"

She laughed causing Mrs Royals to give her a dirty look.

"Well she's definitely not Deaf" she whispered to me

I nodded in agreement.


"Your not really that bad you know" I said to Lyra, we were currently sitting in the court yard.

"I take that as a compliment" she raised her eyebrows at me.

"Apart from the fact that your a little clumsy everything's good" I said to her remembering how she knocked down Mr Greens coffee and explode one of my pens, that she borrowed, all in one day.

"Hey Lilac!" shouted Brad

"Is that your boy friend?" Lyra whispered to me

"Umm no..." I blushed furiously

"And whose that behind him?"

"Oh that's Conner my best friend"

"He's hot!" I gave her a disapproving look and she mouthed 'sorry' back. When Brad came and sat next to me shortly followed by Conner.

"Brad, Conner I would like you to meet Lyra, my new friend"


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