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Picture of 'Ellie Goulding' who plays Lauren in this



when Lauren comes back and sees Lilac being friends with Lyra, she gets jealous and Lilac and Lauren have a huge argument. Lilac is confused why Lauren is angry.

*1 week later*

*Lilac's POV*

This was probably the longest, worst week of my life! After the argument, Lauren ignored me, after about two days of being by herself, on Thursday she got asked by the 'barbies' to be in their group. In case you didn't work out who the barbies are I'll give a brief explanation. They are basically the fakest, biggest boobed girls in the world! They have a different boy every week and bullies everyone... yeah they own the place.

Oh yeah so back to Lauren, can you guess what her answer was to the barbies?... she said yes! I literally couldn't believe it when the gossip spread around and reached me. I thought this was going to be like every other argument and we would end up being friends again. Oooops mistake I meant we would end up being 'best' friends again. Well it isn't happening now. I guess the barbies always needed a Queen B. Lauren fits that slot perfectly she sits on her golden throne on top of the school with her little minions sitting beside her.

In last few days, people that use to chat to her, now hide or try to avoid her. She changed her image completely messing up her blonde hair, wearing triple the amount of makeup than she use too and wears her skirt so high that everyone can see her bum.

Boys that didn't take any notice of her before, now eye her up and down, its sickening! I don't know whether she's doing it to prove something but i just want my best friend back!


It was currently lunch time and I was sitting at our usual table with Brad, Con and Lyra. It felt sort of weird without Lauren this week she would normally make all the jokes and make it happy. The atmosphere now was quiet and we would only talk about our next lesson.

"uh oh barbies at 12:00" Conner said pointing over in the distance

"But its not 12:00 its 12:01" said Brad pointing out the obvious

"Its just a saying, Brad' I said mentally smacking him round the head

"HEY!!! BABES!" shouted Lauren

"What do you want Lauren?" I sighed


"Yeah jeez" her minions echoed


I raised my eyebrows at her "Seriously Lauren, you've made your point please can you come back now, no one could ever replace you, I miss you" I said whispering the last part

"WELL SORRY TO DISAPPOINT BABES BUT I'VE REPLACED YOU!" she grabbed one of her random minions. It was a girl with brown hair and glossy honey colored highlights.


"Ummm Brooke" She mumbled

"MEET BROOKE, MY NEW BEST FRIEND!" She said squeezing the life out of Brooke.

Brooke looked a bit dazed and embarrassed, looking like she didn't really want to be here... maybe just maybe... not all of then are that bad after all.

"YEAH SO I HAVE TO GO NOW, PLACES TO BE, PEOPLE TO SEE I DONT HAVE ENOUGH TIME TO BE WASTING IT TALKING TO YOU, LOSER!" she walked away doing a hair swish with her tacky blonde hair extensions. Her minions shuffling behind her.

Everybody stared at me. "What?" i said confused

"Your okay with her being like that?" asked Lyra looking dazed

"What do you think? I've known her all my life! But never ever did I imagine her to turn out like


OMG BABES WHAT DO YOU THINK OF LAUREN? Yeah not nice... hope you like this chapter!

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Hayley xxxxxxxxx

The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now