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*Few months later*

*Lilac's POV*

I woke up in the morning with the sunlight in my eyes (see what i did?)I groaned looking at the clock 7:30 "Oh shit I'm going to be late for school!" I quickly jumped out of bed, got dressed, brushed my teeth and flew down stairs.

I went down stairs to find my mum stirring coffee at a incredibly slow pace.She looked up and stared at me with a weird expression before saying "Sweetie its Saturday remember? No school? and plus schools ended you don't go to red cross high anymore... are you sure you alright?" I sighed as last nights memories came gushing back.

We celebrated leaving school and left our mark on the school. We grafited the walls everybody making a mark with their names we were drunk anyways I can still hear everybody shouting "YOLO! We're never going to see this place AGAIN!!"

I sighed sloping down on the chair I'm such an idiot! How could I forget that? I looked back at my mum and realized she had a purple and orange scarf wrapped round her head.

"Hey mum that suits you" I commented looking up at her scarf

Her face turned pale "I was going to tell you but you were out all yesterday afternoon and last night"

I immediately felt guilty I should of went with my mum to chemo like a daughter should support her mum!

"Mum I am so so so sorry its just yesterday being the last day and everything and everybody was like sooo crazy last night and and..."

"Shhhh its fine not all of my hair has fallen out yet, but these other really nice women who were going through the same thing as me, said that its better to cut it all off first so it would strain the roots." She sighed I knew how much her lovely brown locks meant to her. "I'm sorry I have a terrible headache its probably all the medicine drugs I'm taking" She said rubbing her forehead.

"Mum you should go to bed and get some sleep I'll bring you up a new coffee the one you've made is probably freezing!"

She looked down to her coffee and stopped stirring suddenly and burst into tears. I rushed over to her and gave her a massive hug it almost felt like I was the mum and she was my child. We stayed in that position for a couple of minutes until she stopped sobbing and went up stairs.

I sighed boiling some water in the kettle then pouring in the coffee. I took it up to her and placed it on her table. She was currently staring at the blank Tiffany blue wall.

"Ummm mum I'll just leave your coffee here then" I said creeping backwards closing the door quietly behind me.


I tiptoed silently to my bedroom slipping out of my school clothes and into my onesie I was going to look after my mum plus have a lazy day.

I checked my phone and realized I got two texts one from Brad and one from Lyra

Lyra was probably my best friend now we had gotten close over the months after what Lauren turned out to be like. Me and Brad are still together although we hadn't really had anymore alone time as we were so busy with exams.

Message from Brad <3

'Hey everybody's going to the beach party today wnna tag along it starts at 12:30 cya there!'

I looked at the clock it was currently 9:30 am... maybe I could go I mean mum could look after herself for couple of hours couldn't she?

Message from Lyrax

'You going to the beach party?its gnna be great! Come to my house to get changed I've been spending the last hour decieding on what to wear!'

Why does everybody just assume I'm going? I have to look after my mum! Difficult decision... stick with your mum when shes going fighting cancer and be the only person not going or go the biggest beach party ever with everybody else?

I'm stuck!


Hope you enjoyed this chapter I know I've skipped quite a bit but i wanted so that they were out of school and the vamps can start stepping up to the fame and release there new single which is of course... can we dance? soooo what do you think Lilac should choose?

Comment and vote❤️

Hayley xxxx

The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now