Intensive care

408 18 9

Dedicated to @theunicorn070403 xx

*Lilac's POV*

I shuffled my feet across the squeaky clean floor, I tightened my grip holding Brad's hand.

"Hello? How may I help you?" a young receptionist said, she had her ginger hair in a tight bun and a stripy grey and white blouse on.

"I'd like to see Adelina Rampton, please"

"What relation are you with her?"

"Erm... daughter"

"Okay follow Mary to the intensive care ward please"

"Is Brad allowed in?"

She narrowed her eyes at me, and then said "Family only he can wait in the waiting room"

I looked Brad "Its fine just go don't worry about me"

"Are you sure because I-"

"Just go I'll be fine, baby"

Baby, hmm when has he started calling me baby?

I turned around slowly to follow an old kind nurse apparently called Mary.

"So my dear why are you here today?"

"I'm visiting my mum she's just been in a car crash" I murmured looking down at my feet.

"Oh... I'm so sorry, my dear" she said rubbing my back soothingly. "Ahh here it is the intensive care ward"

Intensive care



"Okay, thank you"

I looked down at the long hall way in front of me until I finally layed my eyes on the last bed. There was my mum hung up to lots of wires looking very weak and tired. She had lots of scars over her face and a huge plaster across leg. Her head completely bald from the chemotherapy. She looked so peaceful just lying there. I felt silent tears dripping down my cheeks. Why my mum? Why did she have to have cancer then be in a car crash?

I heard the monitor stop beeping and I grabbed hold of my mums hand frantically in panic and shock. "Nurse! whats happening?" I cried out

"She only has 5 minutes to live, I'm so sorry my dear" Why does everybody keep calling me my dear its really annoying me!

"Mum... I just wanted tell you I love you so much, I will never forget everything that you've done for me I will miss you so much mum" I sobbed into her shoulder I wasn't very good at emotional speeches.

"I love you so much, Lilac take care of yourself my little girl know that I will always think of you" She gave me a watery smile "And when I'm in heaven I'll be looking down on you always watching over you, I guess I'm your angel" She laughed in a sad way I would miss her laugh so so much.

"Mum... I love you"

She gasped and her dark brown eyes went wide, then she flopped down back on the bed. That was it that was the end. I could already feel the room getting colder and colder and my heart shattering.


I sat against the door of my bathroom closing my eyes letting the darkness surround me. My mum was my best friend she was everything to me, I had a strong bond with her unlike some other mums their children. If I didnt go to that party none of this would of happened!

"ITS ALL MY FAULT" I screamed punching the door anyone that could hear me, probrably thinks I have anger isuues well they don't have a clue what I'm going through.

"Its all my fault..."


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