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"LET IT GO! LET IT GO! CAN'T HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE! LET IT GO! LET IT GO! TURN YOUR BACK AND SLAM THE DOOR!" I sung loudly as possible it was my favourite bit from frozen I think I sung so loudly that probably Con's neighbours could hear.
"Stop it! Your singing is deafening!!!"
"Excuse me!"
"Just telling the truth!"
"I hate you!" I said throwing a pillow at Conner when I heard a ding from my phone.

Message from dad:
'Where are you?'
'At Conner's house sorry forgot to tell you'
'I've been so worried!'
'Sorry I'll go home now'



"Shhhhh.... your mum's asleep don't wake her up!"

"Fine" I sighed "I'll go up to my room" I was hoping to have a chat with my mum ask her if she was ok and how the tests went and stuff but I don't want to disturb her.


I was just lying on my bed doing absolutely nothing when I got a text from a unknown number.

Message from unknown

'hey x'

'who is this?'

'oh ummm sorry brad'

'ohhh hi!'

'Are you free for a face time call?"

'I'm kinda busy at the moment I can do it in 10 mins x'

'ok x'

I felt like my phone was screaming 'LIAR,LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!' Well I'm sorry 'phone' but I do have to leave some time to get changed and freshen up a bit! I can't face time a boy looking like I've just got home from school and just slipped into a onsie not bothering to do my hair or anything!(I mean who would do that? not me obviously) good you know where I'm coming from.

Once my hair was fixed and I put a little makeup on I felt like I was finally ready. I looked at the time "Oh fudge! its been like half and hour ooops I hope he wont think I've forgotten!"

*Brads POV*

'hey x' so I decided to text Lilac. well I decided I want to face time her. I decided I wanted to see her again. I decided I wanted to take her on a date... Oh and yeah I decided I wanted her to be my girlfriend... wait what? did I just say that out loud sorry! yeah she's basically really really nice. Ewwww I'm so weird I'll be surprise if she doesn't run away from me!


*half an hour later*

I finally got a incoming call from Lilac_x

When I clicked on the answer button her beautiful face appeared. I don't know how girls manage to look beautiful even though she was busy. She was wearing light blue flowery leggings with a tight crop top.



"umm how are you?"

"yeah good, you?"

"yeah great actually more than fine brilliant" I shot a cheesy grin at the screen, she laughed at my face that I made. Oh my god her laugh!

The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now