Meet my Band

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*Lilac's POV*

"Meet my band this is Tristan he does drums"

"Nice to meet you" said the tall and blonde one

" James, he does backing vocals and lead guitar"

"Hi" said the one with piercing eyes and a muscular body

"ummm hey" I said shyly

"And of course you know me, Brad I do lead vocals and guitar"

"soooo now you've met the vamily shall we play 20 questions?"

"Yeah! welcome to the Vamily, Lilac!" They shouted


*James' POV*

"When did you have your first proper kiss? Lilac" I asked slyly

I have to admit Lilac is quite pretty I don't know if Brad and her have something but if Brad doesn't like her I'm having her!

"Ummm well when I was 14, I had this crush on this really fit guy, we kissed after school... But the next day he was with this other girl doing it all over again, I realised he was a player and that put me off ever since!" She laughed

"James," She turned to me "Have you had 'it' yet?"

"Maybe..." I said mischievously

They all screamed and punching me playfully

"Ok guys enough, let's carry on, Tristan" said Brad " Who is your celebrity Crush?"


This went on for a hour or so until we heard the door bell ring "ahhh that will be the pizza man!" said Brad.

"I'll get it!" said Lilac " I want first pickings of the slices"

"Hey no fair!"

*Lilac's POV*

"Hey no fair!" James shouted behind me

I giggled opening the front door.

"Conner what are you doing here?"

So Competition for Brad! James likes Lilac ... oh yeah and ....DUN DUN DUN!! Cliffhanger!

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The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now