The Argument

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Dedicated to @molly_horan_x for reading every chapter of my story and voting xx and for being a great friend xxxx

also decided to have Jade from little mix as Lyra


*Lilac's POV*

I missed my best friend so much! she had been of for a whole week i felt so lonely but at least i made a new friend,Lyra, she's really nice i know Me, Lyra and Lauren will be best friends. I quickly filled Lauren in on the situation between me and Brad.

"Yeah he came round my house yesterday and we watched his favourite movie together but then after it he said do you want to be my girlfriend and yeah of course I totally said yes and-" i burbled happily skipping in a circle a round her, causing some people to stare at me

Surprisingly she didn't seem that interested, I felt quite hurt what had got into her? she had been nagging me to get a boyfriend for years now why is she not saying anything?

"Mmmm cool" she said casually

"What is your problem?! Like you've been ignoring me all morning, landing yourself in detention then you hardly listen to me! " i shouted at her

"Oh so I'm the one ignoring you? I'm the one that turned my back to talk to the new girl that you have known for 3 days!"

"Your still my best friend you know no one could ever repla-"

"Oh save your breath go off with your new best friend!" and with that she stormed off.

wow... I didn't know she was going to be this angry

*Lauren's POV*

What had happened to me? When have I become such a B**** ? I knew that I was to over protective of her. Lyra probably is a nice person I just needed to try!
But I couldn't stand that Lilac was making new friends because for all of our lives it had just been me and her we were like sisters!
Oh what am I doing I was angry at her for knowing someone and being friends with them. It is such a stupid thing to argue about and if the green monster didn't take over me everything would have been fine! what has gotten into us?


At lunch I stayed away from the group on my own on a table in the corner... yeah you got me, now I'm a complete loner.
I could see Lyra and Lilac giggling together along with Brad and Conner either side, I saw Brads arm around Lilacs waist were there really an item now?
Lilac laughed and pushed Brad off in a joking way but then she looked up and caught my gaze. She gulped and looked away. I sighed and stared at my manky bit of pizza which wasn't even pizza more like bread with a little cheese and tomato on top. I pushed it away losing my appetite.


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