The funeral

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Dedicated to @EvieMadi02 Thank you for reading and voting my story really appreciate it xxxx

'A thousand years' by Christina Perri think it fits kinda...

*Lilac's POV*

I watched the coffin with my mum inside being carried to the front of the church. I had been grieving for a week now it felt so empty just me... alone just how I liked it.

My dad did the runner after my mum died I knew he never loved her enough. I hope he dies in a hole feeling guilty about what he did to my mum and me.

I loved being alone in the house I close the curtains and kept the door shut, switching my phone, laptop and iPad off. Sometimes I didn't even felt like I existed I would just lie on my bed staring at the ceiling wondering if my mum was watching over me. This was the first time I had seen daylight in days, it had been ages since I heard voices, not including my mums voice constantly in my head. This was the day, her funeral the day I had been dreading. This was the day I said goodbye to my mum properly.

Then the vicar started saying some holy christian words and all that before saying a sentence that jolted me awake.

"Now her daughter Lilac will read a poem about her mother"

I walked up to the stand with my hands shaking holding the piece of paper.

"Life is to short to be wasted, live it dancing in the sun,

because before you know it life is done,

here I stand looking down at my beautiful mother,

but yet I wish it was another,

She did not deserve this tragic fate,

I should of stayed to look after her but it was too late,

before I know it my beautiful mother is gone,

I can no longer carry on,

I may have lost my mother but heaven has gained an angel,

a beautiful angel."

I heaved a heavy sigh I had been writing this poem for a long time trying to get it right. I saw long distant relatives in tears. I was in tears myself I walked back down the steps of the church Brad rubbing my back trying to sooth me but nothing not even Brad could take away this unbearable pain...


It had been a week since I last touched the gold handle knob to open the door to my mums room, my dad is dead to me. I opened the door and it felt a gush of air wash over me.


the memories

the pain

my mum

* * *

The room looked exactly the same nothing moved or touched at all. I could still smell the faint smell of my mums lily perfume, her favourite. Brad told me to come in here because I was going to try and sell some things and sell the house so I could move to London with them. At first I couldn't bare to throw any of my mums things away but Brad convinced it was time to move on with my life. I suppose he is right that's what my mum would want for me.


After hours of deciding whether to keep, chuck, sell I finally manged to sort out her stuff. I ended up keeping her fluffy pink slippers that she always wore; her favourite necklace that I gave her for her birthday; one of her favourite dresses and her bottle of lily perfume.

I was now ready to sell the house and move to London and live my life.

But I would never let go...


Lilac's mum died :( it was sad writing it... The funeral... btw the poem that she read out was completely original and wrote by me! hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! she will be moving to London soon yay!

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