shop till you drop

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This chapter is dedicated to @Vamilyforlife love her fanfic : wild at heart... Go check it out x

*Lilac's POV*

"Drive faster, Lyra!" I shouted

"I'm driving the fastest we can go I don't want to get arrested!"

"Fine! Just hurry up"

When we finally got to the station car park I rushed into the station call me a child or whatever but I'm just very very very competitive. I grinned when I couldn't see the boys in sight I was just in the middle of my victory dance until they came walking round the corner holding tube tickets.

I stopped prancing about immediately and gave them a death glare. Brad still with a huge smirk on his face.

"Don't stop I was enjoying it"

I huffed and crossed my arms

"How did you get here so fast?"

"While you were texting me we were already in the car"

"WHAT? You cheated!"

I turned to Lyra who was giggling "tell them they cheated"

"Lilac it was only a race calm down, miss drama queen"

"Hmph I just don't like losing"

There I go acting like a five year old again... oh well I'll get them back later


Fifteen minuets later we were on the tube to Oxford street bad thing was I was on the end sitting next to a weird goth looking guy. I had to admit I was scared. He was creepy just staring at that tube map on above the doors. He had piercings and blue hair.

"Are you ok?" Brad asked me

I glanced to the guy, Brad nodded understandingly and he got up and we swapped places. Aww what a gentlemen.

Once we stepped of the train and out of the station I gawped at the huge high street compared to the seaside town where I was from.

"Top shop!" I screamed at the shop opposite us


The next half and hour we went to every shop on the high street from small shops to big designer labels and of course we dragged the boys with us. I made Brad carry my bags because I'm cold hearted like that and to get him back for cheating.

"Are we done yet?"
"I'm starving!"
"This is so boring!"
"Can we put these bags down my arms are aching!"

This is all I heard for the past hour while me and Lyra were squealing over clothes before putting it down two minutes later after looking at the price tag.

"Fine you guys can go Starbucks we'll meet you there in half an hour!"

"Thank you! Thank you!" Brad gushed and started running like a mad man in the wrong direction

"Ermm Brad its this way?"

"Oh right I knew that" he said before continuing running

"Hey Lilac?" Lyra said by a rack of clothes


"Come here I think I found a dress you might like"

"Ok ok but you know dresses don't look nice on me? I prefer jeans or leggings...."

"What about this?"

She held up a beautiful red dress. It wasn't to tight and there wasn't to short or exposing to much skin. It had red lace at the top and a skater style skirt at the bottom.

"It's beautiful! But I'm not sure it will suit me" I said uncertainly

"Try it! It will look amazing I just know it!" She demanded

She dragged me to the changing rooms and threw me the dress.

Might as well

I looked at myself in the mirror Lyra was right I did look... well I wouldn't say amazing but I look better. The dress made my legs look thinner and longer making me look a whole lot taller (I'm a midget) and it wrapped round my waist like a second skin but it flowed out at the bottom.

"Are you done yet?" Lyra called

Ooops I forgot she was still there

"yeah come in"

She pulled open the curtain and looked at me.

"Hmm not bad if I say so myself casual but classy"


"I like to think of myself as a style guru" She said proudly

"Right..." I so believe her she is not such a style guru when she breaks down in front of her wardrobe she's deciding what to wear.

"I'm going to buy it then we can go to Starbucks" I said pulling my purse out


"Can I have a caramel frappacino please" I swear those things are just heaven!
"There you are! We waited ages for you!"

I spun around to brad, con and Tris waving frantically at me

"Guys I can see you by the way! And wheres James?"

"Toilet" They replied together


I grabbed my frappincino and sat down. I composed a tweet saying:

With @thevampsband in Starbucks #Starbuckslove

After seconds of tweeting I got a load more followers and loads of messages to ask the vamps to follow them.

"Oh Brad these fans want you to follow them"

His eyes lit up at the word fans "Yeah course I'll do it now"

I heard James' voice and someone giggling. I turned around and saw james with a girl. The girl had brown hair with glossy honey coloured highlights....


Sorry if this chapter is absoletly crap... its just a filler

who do you think is James' new girl?


hayley xx

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