Connor always knows how to cheer me up

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*Lilac's POV*

I was walking home from shopping with my best mate Lauren. When I got a call.

"Hey honey"

"Hi dad what's up? I'm just walking home from shopping with Lauren."

"Your mum had the test today and I really don't want to tell you this but..."

"But what? Dad please no... she cant have"

I already knew what he was going to tell me I was just wondering when he was going to speak up.

"Your mums got cancer"

My heart sunk even though I knew it was coming "No please she hasn't she will get through it I know it she has to!"

"Look darling I'm at the hospital I'll be back soon I promise"

"Dad wait I want to see mum! Dad? Dad? DAD?!"

Great he hung up on me! I walked home feeling deflated. Why did it had to be my mum why couldn't it be someone else? My mum used to be so fun but ever since she started getting ill its been different I've spent more time by myself and she's spent more time at the hospital. I decided to call my best friend Connor.


"Hey its Lilac, are you busy?"

"No its fine I'm just practising what's up?"

"Oh nothing much just the fact I've just found out my mums got cancer!" almost sobbing it down the phone.

"Look Lilac I'm really really sorry come over mine I have popcorn we can watch a film! what about.... ummm... Frozen? C'mon you always love that? Am I right?"

"Ok ok I'll come as long as your supplying the popcorn!" I said, CONNOR always managed to cheer me up even when I was really down.

"See you there!!"


So Lilac's mum has cancer and Connor Ball is her best friend...

Teaser: Maybe a certain best friend of Lilacs is going to join the Vamps

The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now