I think... I love you

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"What's wrong?" I said squeezing his hand oh god what if he doesn't like me what if he thinks I'm weird holding his hand wait but he held hands with me so he must be okay with it. Nothing could prepare for what came next though...


*Brad's POV*

"What's wrong?" she said I could see the worry in her eyes.
"Lilac?... I think... I think"
"I knew it you don't like me, you think I'm weird don't you I'm ugly and... and ..." she pulled away from me I saw tears beginning to form in her eyes. I touched her shoulder and pulled her back to look at me I stared at her beautiful face and stared into her green hypnotizing eyes.
"Lilac your not any of those things... to me your the most kind, beautiful, amazing, caring girl I've ever met and ever since I first set eyes on you I knew you were going to be mine, It might be a little to soon and a little early and I understand if you say no... but I guess what I'm trying to ask is..." I looked straight into her emerald green eyes " Lilac willyoubemygirlfriend?"

"Wait what?" she said leaning closer to me

Oh great get nervous at the last minute and mix up your words ok calm, deep breathes

"Lilac... Will you" I said holding her by her shoulders "Be my girlfriend?"

I saw her eyes widen as my words echoed round her empty house maybe she doesn't feel the same what if she doesn't I'll look such an idiot!

She smiled like she'd been waiting for me to say this all along

"Course Brad I would love too" she smiled and leaned closer to me until her head was on my chest. We laid there for a couple of moments until I could feel her breathing heavily like she was asleep. I snuggled into her shoulder "I think... I love you" I said her shoulder muffling the sound that came out.


Awwww so Brad and Lilac are finally together awww I ship: Lilad.....

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Hayley xxx

The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now