Oh god how can I do this?

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*Lilac's POV*

I walked into my mums room quietly I looked down at my mum sleeping peacefully on her bed. She had her head scarf off on the bedside table next to her. She wasn't joking when she said she cut her hair very short, at first I was a little shocked but I soon got used to her appearance. I would miss her lovely brown locks as much as she would. I remember I used to plait them when I was little it was what started my dream to become a professional hair dresser.

"Umm mum wake up please?" I said shaking her

So your probably wondering why I'm here, right? Well I decided that I was going to ask my mum if it was ok for me to go because I don't want to be the only person from my school not going from what I've heard even the geeks are going! oh and plus Lauren and the barbies would be there too. So back to my mum if she said no I would stay at home and look after her.

"Mmmm whats up sweetie?"

Oh god how can I do this?

"Ummm mum there is a beach party taking place and everybody's going its like a last good bye and I was kinda wondering..."

"If you could go?" My mum finished off for me propping herself up against a mountain of pillows.

"Ummm yeah I mean I don't have to I can stay here and look after you if you want..."

"Look darling its fine you go to the beach party you don't want to be stuck at home looking after your poor mum while everybody's having fun do you?"

I felt guilty I really should be looking after her today but she seemed fine now much better than before.

"Thanks mum your the best I love you so much" I said giving her a hug "I've made soup and put it in a warm flask so you can just drink that and make some toast as well."

"My baby girl is growing up now" she said all teary eyed again


I texted both Brad and Lyra that I could come. I was making my way over to Lyra's house to get ready I had brought a variety of clothes including t-shirts, shorts, bikinis and more.

I actually ended up wearing a floaty top from Lyra's wardrobe she said it matched my shorts perfectly. I wore my bikini underneath while Lyra looked stunning in a tanned colour beach dress that wasn't to tight so she could still freely move I learn't that she hated clingy dresses and like me she was wearing her bikini underneath.

"Right are we ready to go now its 12:15"

"Com on!e Lets go I don't want to be late wait a minuet where did I put my phone again?"

Heyyy do ya like the chapter? I promise something big is going to happen while Lilac is at the party hint hint not giving to much away!
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The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now