The flash back

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*Lilac's POV*

"Oh please can we watch frozen?" I begged

"No lion king is way better!" James butted in

"Peter Pan! Anyways, Lilac you've watched frozen like ten times!" said Conner

"No actually only nine! and anyways Peter Pan is ancient!" I defended

"I love Peter Pan!"

"Whats up with the Disney films?" Tristan commented

"Right we're watching Toy story!" Brad shouted slotting the DVD in "Toy story 4" He added

"Fine!" We all sighed

I watched as the familiar Disney castle came into view with the amazing tune that came with it. We decide that we were testing out our new flat screen TV. Half way through I leaned on Brads shoulder my eyes drooping slowly until the darkness surrounded me.

* * * * * *



"Whats up baby?"

"I can't sleep can you read me a story?" I said looking up at a beautiful, comforting face.

"Of course" she said coming into my bed cuddling me. "Once upon a time there was a lovely little princess called princess Lilac, she had lovley long curls and a beautiful tiara. She lived with her mummy and daddy in a big big castle. They were all very happy as a family-"

"What like us?"

"Yes... like us"

"But then a handsome prince came riding by and princess Lilac fell in love with the handsome prince. Then princess Lilac said goodbye to her mummy and daddy because she was going to the handsome prince's even bigger castle!"

"No I don't want to go with the handsome prince I want to stay with you!" I protested

"Ok, Ok! But then princess Lilac changed her mind and she very politely curtsied to the handsome prince and said "I want to stay here" So the handsome prince went riding into the sunset on his big white horse, while Lilac stayed with her mummy and daddy in the big big castle"

"Forever and ever!" I shouted giggling

"Oh I do love you, baby!" She said tickling me

I laughed squirming trying to push her off "Mummy!... You will stay with me forever and ever and ever and ever right?"

"Yes of course!" she laughed "Now go to sleep"

"Okay! night night mummy!"

"Night night don't let the bed bugs bite!"

I looked at her face once more until everything started going blurry and the room started spinning.

"No!" I screamed trying to grab her face but it just slipped out of my hands and dissolved


End of flash back

I woke covered in sweat and tears, I could hear myself breathing heavily my chest rising up and down.

"Lilac? whats the matter are you alright? I heard to screaming" I turned to my right to a very sleepy Brad

"I'm fine" I gulped "Please can you stay with me?"

"well me and the boys were just heading back but-"

"Please?" My voice was all croaky and dry

"Okay come here baby"

baby that's what my mum called me

I snuggled up against Brad finally feeling safe and warm, before once again letting the darkness take over...


Hey! its hayley xx soo I was wondering if you guys wanted me to do more different types of POVs or just Lilacs point of view? please comment...

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hayley xxx

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