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*Lauren's POV* (Yes your probably wondering what happened to her? btw shes the one who lilac went shopping with)

"I MISSED YOUUUU SOOOO MUCH" my crazy weird best friend flew towards me like shuttle before finally pouncing on me.

"Stop it you weigh loads you know" I screamed pushing her off me " I was only ill for a week"

"I knowww but I missed my lesson buddy!" she moaned into my blonde hair

That was when I saw someone behind her, she saw me looking and quickly dragged a girl with brown locks with freckles.

"Ummm... Lauren meet Lyra she joined the school like 3 days ago... Oh and Lyra meet Lauren my best friend"

I mentally smirked I'm glad I was still her best friend and she hadn't replaced me with HER.

"Hey nice to meet you" I smiled sweetly

"Hi" she mumbled tripping over her own feet looking nervous

Right she was clumsy and nervous I was disliking her by the minute

Next period dragged on oh yes and you guessed it because it was maths, I felt a pang of jealously as Lilac turned her back on me talking to Lyra (what kind of name was that) she had now taken the only other seat beside Lilac.

Seriously why is she even bothering with her, Maths was our subject we would normally just laugh and make fun of our teacher Mr Johnson but now she actually was doing the sheet we had been set and worst she was doing the sheet with her.

I put my head on the table facing away from Lilac staring at the window outside. Why did I have to get ill? stupid flu! I turn my head for one week and Lilac has already gone and replaced me! I mean me and her had been best friends forever she wouldn't jus-

"Miss Gill do the work you've been set and stop day dreaming" Mr Johnson shouted at me, everybody's head turned to look at me including Lilacs, Brads, Conner's and Lyra's. I chose to ignore him I really couldn't care less.

"Go on then do it" Lilac whispered to me, oh wow and she chooses to speak to me now!

"Miss Gill DETENTION! please see me at lunch time classroom 12"


Thank you bell for saving me in these situations! I picked up my bag and stormed out the classroom (doing a casual hair flick as you do)

so what do you think about Lauren? what has Lyra caused? And would you react the same way in Lauren's situation?

Comment and vote❤️

Hayley xxx

The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now