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This might have errors hasn't been proof read!


I heard James' voice and someone giggling. I turned around and saw james with a girl. The girl had brown hair with glossy honey coloured highlights....

*James POV*

I checked my hair in the mirror. Yep still in the perfect quiff. I walked out the door of the public toilet and stumbled on my untied shoelace. I bent down to tie the shoelace of my boot when I heard little sniffles coming from the ladies bathroom.

I know I shouldn't but I'm curious okay?

I gently pushed open the door and found a girl crying on the floor. All I see was beautiful brown hair with honey highlights hiding the girls face.

"Hey... are you okay?"

She turned to look up to meet these amazing icy blue eyes. They were still beautiful eventhough she had little droplets running down her face.

"Oh....my...god!" She screamed clearly startled, and ran into one of the toilets.

I was puzzled by this until I realised I was standing in the girls bathroom.

"It's okay I won't hurt you" I said softly

"How do I know I can trust you?" I heard her sniff

"Well that's up to you if you think you can trust me or not but please just come out and get a coffee with me, I can introduce you to my friends"



"Chocolate frappicino?"

"If you want..."

She opened the door cautiously thats when I got a good look at her. She was wearing pale blue dress witha brown belt in the middle and wedges. I have a sister if it wasn't for her I wouldn't know what those shoes were called!

She walked up to the mirror and examined her hair.

"My hair looks hideous I'm sorry you had to see me like this thank god I put waterproof mascara on today"

While she babeled on about her make up I debated with myself whether to ask her why she was crying but I decieded against it as I would try to know her better first.

"You look fine"

She blushed and replied a small thanks.


"So you'll meet Brad and Lilac they are a couple believe it or not Jesse, Brad's dog, licked Lilac's face, then they went for a coffee together! It was definetly love at first sight eventhough it took forever for Brad to man up and ask her out!"

"Oh really?" She said looking much happier than before

"Yes really! then theres Tristan... hes single and there's Conner he's going out with Lyra I believe they met by Lyra falling down the stairs and she ended up in hospital that's when Conner asked her." I said opening the door to starbucks.

"I can't wait to meet them all"

"Yeah there pretty crazy though"

"I'm sure their not that bad" She giggled


"Yoohoo!" Shouted Tristan

I raised my eyebrow at her and she just shook her head back.

"I'm just going to get my drink okay?"

"Yeah sure"

I walked to our table and sat down

"Hey who's the girl?" asked Conner

"Errrmm I met her in the toilet?"

"Nice like your style!" Said Tristan "Why don't I meet girls in the toilet?"

"Tristan!" said Lilac


I turned around and saw her carrying her drink. I motioned with my hand to come over here.

She walked over and intorduced herself

"Hey everyone I'm Brooke"


So hi guys sorry I havn't updated in like foreverrr!!! But I've been so busy! Its been I think 2 weeks or something now! thats probrably the longest I havn't updated in!

Hope you guys like this chapter!


Hayley x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2014 ⏰

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