A new possible bandmember?

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*Lilac's POV*

"Hey no fair!" James shouted behind me

I giggled opening the front door.

"Conner what are you doing here?


"No the question is what are you doing here?" said a confused Conner holding his guitar

"What are you doing here?" I said

"You first"

"No you first"

"No You"



"Noooo YOU!" I said firmly

"What is going on?" shouted Brad from behind me

Suddenly all three bandmates appeared behind me as if by magic. "Why is he here?" I said pointing at my best friend.

"What you two know each other?" Me and Conner nodded in unison.

"We found Conner by YouTube and we were going to try him out as new member he's going to be our new bassist"

"ok" I said "I'd better go then" not wanting to disturb them.

"Stay, please" said Conner

"Sorry I would but my mums probably expecting me for dinner now see ya!" I said slamming the front door before any of them could protest.

I cant believe they didn't tell meI mean Conner's always been passionate about music ever since he was little. Stop it Lilac why are you even so angry you should be happy for him.


*2 hours later*

Message from Conner:

'I made it im in :)'

*Conner's POV*

"Conner will you be our bassist?" Brad, Tristan and James said together.

I laughed "Whatttt?"

They all said some funny gibberish at once.

"Wait what?"

"Yeah we're asking you" said Brad filming

"Please be our Bassist" said James

"I'd love to be your bassist" I said happily

"Its like a proposal!" Tristan said

"What so its like the real thing?" I said in disbelief it was so surreal!

"Awwww" They all said and James was the first one to give me a giant hug and shortly Tristan and Brad came as well.

"No way!" I said again it was amazing I was finally in a band and it wasn't just any band it was the vamps!"

Awww so Conner is finally made it to the Vamps. I tried to make it like the real thing (on youtube when he gets in because they filmed it) sorry if its wrong and some person says the wrong thing or whatever but I tried to make it as close that as possible xx

love u guyz hayleyxx

The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now