A call that changed my life forever

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thank you for everyone whose reading this!

New cover what do you think? Personally I love it! <3

This cover was made by @twerkingforfreefood she is an amazing cover creator! please follow her! If your looking for someone to do a cover she can do it for you!!

Lilac's Ring tone is 'ghost' by Ella Hederson there is a YouTube video of this song if you don't know it x

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

*Lilac's POV*

I got woken up by the sound of my phone ringing

'I keep going to the river to pray, 'Cos I need something that can wash out the pain, And at most, I'm sleeping all these demons away, But your ghost,the ghost of you just keeps me awake.' - my ring tone

"Seriously whose calling me at this time" I groaned clutching my head, I swear there's a party going inside of my head because its pounding like crazy. Probably because I drank quite a bit last night


"Lilac? Its Lyra Oh thank god You need to get up now its important!"

"Oh its you...Go away! I was sleeping for god sake!"

"Lilac! Its 12pm anyway that's not the point I should just come straight out with it"

"Yes?" I said moodily

"Your mum's in hospital she got in a car crash"

"WHAT?!" I could feel tears already forming in my eyes no she couldn't have! My mum is strong she does not deserve this!"Please tell me this is a joke?" I was almost pleading for Lyra to burst out laughing and say "Joking!"

"No, Lilac I'm so sorry" I could hear close to tears as well.

"Where is she now?" I manged to spit out

"Greenwood hospital, but there not allowing any visitors yet, You wern't meant to find out by me they've sent people round to tell you and your dad but I figured it would be better for you to know this way."

"Ok I'm going to tell my dad" I hung up and let the tears flow freely from my eyes.


I walked down the landing and stood outside my parents' bedroom. I put my hand over the gold handle knob and twisted it. I looked at what laid before me and I screamed...


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