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*Lilac's POV*

I woke up the next morning to brad staring at me intently. "Why are you staring at me like that? how long have you been awake?" I asked him

He snapped out of his trance and replied " Only five minutes"

"You've been staring at me for a whole five minutes while I slept? Your such a creep!" I said pushing him off the bed.

He landed on the floor feet first and stood up like it was nothing. I huffed and rolled my eyes "Wait why are you here I thought you said you guys had your own apartment? wait... we didn't doing anything last night right?" I asked him worriedly

"You don't remember anything? and don't worry we did not do anything last night!"

"I'm hungry can we have pancakes?" I said hurriedly changing the subject

"Uhh yeah there's eggs, flour and stuff downstairs" Brad said "Umm I'm going to go to our apartment, next door, I'm gonna tell them to come over."

"Okay" I mumbeled walking over to the bathroom door

I shut the door and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror and almost screamed. I looked horrible and tired. My hair was a mess falling out of my bun, how did Brad look nice even with bed hair?I had bags under my eyes. My skin was pale making me look like a ghost. How the hell was I meant to fix my face? I sighed I really couldn't be bothered right now I'll do it later when I go out. I walked down the spiral stairs moodily. I saw Lyra making breakfast.

"Wow you look terrible" was the first thing that came out of Lyra's mouth when she saw me

"Thanks, do you think I havn't worked that out by now" I snapped at her

"Oh and there's that morning sunshine" Lyra said well almost sang "Brad said you wanted pancakes so I'm making them" she was holding a bowl with pancake mix in it

"You mean trying to make pancakes?" I said glancing at all the broken egg shells and spilt milk on the floor.


Half an hour later we were munching happily on pancakes which I made, we had to bin Lyra's ones.

"So what are we going to do today?" I asked Lyra

"Ummm shopping?" She replied "You must absolutely go shopping in London!"

"Ok I'll text Brad yeah?"

"And wear something nice" she added

I slowly went up the spiral stairs again and went back into my bedroom.

I chose a white top with my favourite floral skater skirt. I chose a handbag and matching it with my white converses. Then I applied mascara; a little eyeliner and concealer to hide the bags under my eyes. Applied some baby lips, the peach kiss one. I put my hair into a simple fishtail plait and I was finally ready to go!

Then I remembered I had to text Brad

'Me and Lyra are going shopping at the shopping centre u coming?'

About thirty seconds later I got a reply

'Why would I want to go shopping with you guys? It'll be so boring!'

'Oh please please please!'





It took about ten more text spams until he finally gave in

'Fineeeee I'll tell the boys now'

'Yes! meet you at the mall in fact race u there'

'Its on!'

I put my phone in my bag and shouted to Lyra to get going. She walked out of the room next to mine wearing high waist demin shorts and a holister seal beach crop top. She had straightend her hair making it longer than her usual curls. Conner's not gonna be able to resist!

"Whats the hurry?" she asked me

By this time I was already grabbing her car keys and walking out the door.

"We're having a race" I said over my shoulder

"Lilac! You can't even drive!"

"Who said I was driving?"

I opened the door of her car that her aunt and uncle very kindly drove up here because they lived near London too.

She sighed and jumped into the driving seat while I jumped into the passenger seat.

Your never going to win this Brad!


Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

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hayley xxxx

The unexpected meeting (Brad Simpson/theVamps fan fiction)//ON HOLD//Where stories live. Discover now