Chapter 1 - Acqaintance

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I walk down the hallway of my giant school to go to my first class of the day.I hate my teacher,Miss Roses,she's really annoying.I enter the class and take a seat.

Miss Roses starts the class by telling us that we are going to work on a project for one month in teams of two.

I hope i'll be with my friend Aisha and not a random person that I don't know.

This is also another thing that I don't like about this teacher she never let us choose our teams.

So she starts to tell us our teams and finally she says my name and guess who am I going to work with...Daniel...OMG.

I don't really mind working with him but I hate guys like him who only play with people's feelings.

I had a friend named Sarah last year she was his girlfriend for like half of the school year but guess what happened he kissed another girl in front of her.

I felt really bad for my friend and she was really broke from the inside.

She used to hide her face when she saw him or his friends because they would make fun of her all the time.

I mean, it wasn't her fault he was the one who did this but still people only made fun of Sarah.

The worst thing beside everything is that it's been 3 years and he's always in my class...why god? Whatever I'm just going to do my work and I'm not gonna get too friendly with him.

So i take my work sheet and go to his desk and take a sit.


Me: "hey"

Him:"Your new in this class?"

Me:"Do I look like a new student to you?"

Him:"Umm yeah kind of "

Me:"*sigh*no I'm not a new student and for your kind of information I've been in the same class as you for 3 years now"

Him:"woow you've been in the same class as me for so long and I didn't even  notice bad man"

Me:"yeah that's what I thought"

We stay silent like that for about 5 minutes.

I got to bored so I said

Me:" So which country would you like to work on?"

Him:"well I'm from Peru and you?"


Him :" we should work on your country since people are use to hear more about Peru then Guatemala"

Me:"Alright I'm fine with this.Let's start!

We worked on the project and made some research.

Every time I tried to focus on the project he literally had to bother me,he asked stupid questions,he asked about my life,he tried to make dumb jokes just to make me smile a little and I would give him a fake smile and then laugh internally because of his funny faces.

Oh and by the way I really liked how he flipped his hair in the back of his head when they came in front of his handsome face...OMG what am I saying.Never mind.

Ouuhhh what is happening to Aly who didn't like him?
Is she starting to like him a little?
Is Daniel really enjoying being with Aly?
So that's it for the first chapter I hope you guys enjoyed.Please VOTE and COMMENT your ideas for the second chapter!!!!
Peace out ✌️😜

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