Chapter 19~Jealousy kills

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Daniel's POV.

I know I'm messing up with her right now but what else can I do I'm so jealous!!

She has so much fun with Alexander.

I want her to have fun with me too but it just doesn't seem to be the same as when she's with him.

Aly is so different with me comparing to him.

I can't bare to see any guy around her.

And I'm gonna kill Alexander even if he already told me that he's just Aly's friend.

I'm just a little mad at her cause she knows I'm jealous but she is still close to him.

I just don't want to loose her.

I could see that she was pissed of.

Aly:"What the hell?!What is your problem let me go!"she yelled at me.

She's so cute when she's angry!

Me:"Fine get out!"I said a bit harsh.

I could see her eyes wide in a shocking expression obviously because I never yelled at her.

She is definitely mad at me now.

I opened the lock.

She looked at me one last time and got out.

I opened my door after got out and grabbed her wrist just in time.

Aly's POV.

I hate him for talking to me like that.

Is he becoming the Daniel I thought he was before knowing him?

Me:"leave my wrist I need to go!"I said harshly like he did.

I was mad and angry.

Him:"but I need you"

I regret the next thing I said.

Me:"but I don't"

He immediately turned me around to face him and pulled my waist to his body.

I could feel shivers coming up and butterflies.

But I didn't looked at him.

Him:"look at me"

I didn't do it cause honestly i was a little scared.

He brought his finger under my chin and lifted up.

By now our eyes met.

Him:"you don't need me?"


He interrupted.

Him:"do you know what will happen if you ever leave me?"


He interrupted again.

Him:"do you know!!?I will die without you!I'll never be the same Daniel ever!And you're telling me you don't need me!Why Aly?Why?"he yelling at me.

I am feeling so bad right now.

I felt his arms getting loose on my waist.

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