Chapter 23~Fighting for love

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Justin's POV.

I think I'm starting to like her.

I don't know why but I feel something towards her.

But my feelings are confusing.

She reminds so much of her.

I was so in love with her but she left me for someone else.

We were together for more then three years and she left me in the worst of situations.

I still have to pay some money for the operation and I need to find a job cause me and Alanna were tired of seeing mom getting worried for us and the rent of the house and all that shit.

Let's say that Alanna is always more worried then me but I found that pretty strange when she came to me the other day saying that everything will be fine soon and that I didn't had to worry anymore.

I don't know what she's planning but I'll make sure to find out cause I don't want her to get involved into bad stuff and then earn wrong money.

She can do anything for her family but she should not do wrong things for that.

Yesterday was a pretty good day but it was a little strange,I felt like Aly has some problems with Daniel.I don't know Daniel personally but the image that I have of him is "player with anger".It sounds bizarre but anyways I hope she'll be okay.

Oh and Aly was literally about to faint!I'm glad I was there to grab her or else god knows what this guy would have done.


I'm walking to school,it's a little chilly outside but it's fine.I'm still thinking of Aly.A part of me says that I should get to know her more and see afterwards if I like her and another part of me says that she will let me go just like her.

Once there I walked towards the entrance only to be stopped by Daniel.

Me:"uh can I help?"

Him:"yeah,leave my girlfriend alone or else I'll beat your ass up"

This guy is not okay at all!I guess I was totally right,he's mister"player with anger".

Me:"chill out bro,she's just my friend"I reassured him.

Him:"oh really,it doesn't seem to be that way"he said getting closer.

I guess I'll have to tell him honestly what I think.

Me:"look,I don't know what's your problem but you're seriously exaggerating right now,she's not yours anymore get that through the head of yours,now if you don't mind"I said pushing him away from my way.But he grabbed my collar and throw me to the ground jumping on me and punching my face.

Him:"SHE'S MINE!"he said giving me another punch right in the nose.

I was getting weak,my nose started to bleed and people were getting around cheering for him.Fine if that's what you want then I'll give it to you.

I brought my fist in his face,harder then the punch he gave me, which caused him to fall backward and loose control.

I got up and he did the same,he was about to punch me again but I interrupt his punch that could've break my nose and punched him in the stomach instead.

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