Chapter 21~Broken Heart

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Daniel's POV.

Her lips were on mine.

I tried to push her away but she pulled me even more close to her.

What was happening?

Alanna loves me?

How come?

I thought she liked me only as a friend.

Then she pulled away from the kiss.

I hope no one was around or else I'll be in serious trouble.And if Aly gets to know about this,it will break her heart.

Oh my god Daniel what did you do?!My inner voice said.

No! nothing is going to happen,no one saw that and everything will be alright!
I said to myself.

Her:"I love you!!"she said her hands still around my neck.

I was shook.

I didn't know what to say.


Her:"yes you love me too,stop hiding it from yourself!"she interrupted.

Me:"no I don't!"I said taking off her hands.

Female voice:"yes you do"

I looked beside me only to see Aly.

She had tears in her eyes.


I ran to her.

Me:"NO ALY WHAT YOU SAW WAS NOT TRUE BELIEVE ME!"I was truly scared of loosing her.

I took her hands in mine but she jerked them away.

Aly:"you don't have to pretend anymore,I truly loved you but you didn't..."she said letting her tears come on her soft cheeks.


I brought my hands to her face and she did tried to push them away but I didn't let her.

I can't see tears in her eyes.

Me:"listen Aly,I love you,only you,ok!!??...please believe me!!...all of this is fake...Alanna please tell her this is all a joke"I said whipping her tears away and hoping that Alanna would stop this game and tell me it's a prank or something.

Alanna came beside me and said:"no it wasn't fake!You love me you just don't know it yet because YOU are in his life!!"she said screaming at my princess.

I can't take this anymore.

Me:"NO STOP THIS BULLSHIT!!!ALY!!listen to me you...just..."


She jerked my hands away again.

Me:"what? you're gonna believe what you saw!?"

Her:"I'm really sorry to say that I will believe it and me and you it's..."

Me:"me and you what? Aly you can't do that to me!I'll be incomplete without you please!!Just give me one last chance to prove you that..."

Her:"to prove what?that you're just a stupid jerk who played with my feelings this whole time,that you liked another girl but you felt to sorry for me so you pretended to love me!!Just stop it now would you...I'm sorry to say this but even if I would never stop loving's over!"she said with tears in her eyes.

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