Chapter 11~Unexpected proposal

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Daniel's POV

I can't wait anymore.

I want her to be mine.

I want her to know how much I love her.

How much she's important to me.

I want her to know that she has my heart.

It's crazy how she got me going madly in love with her.

She thinks that she's just a simple girl.

But that's what I like about her.

All the other girls would wear short clothes and show off there forms to impress.

But Aly...she's not like them.

She doesn't judge people by there clothes or body but by there heart.

I was thinking about that when Alex interrupted my thoughts.

Him:"what are you thinking about bro?!"

Me:"I'm still thinking about her man"

Him:"you mean about Aly"

Me:"yeah I can't stop thinking about her"

Him:"you know I talked to her at the party"


Him:"yeah she's really unique bro like I thought she was like all the other girl simple and then they show there real person once you get to know them but she's really different she's honest and she has a pure heart"

Me:"I told you she's amazing!...but how am I suppose to make her mine"

He thinks for a few seconds and said

Him:"I think you should tell her after school on the football field"

Me:"yeah but how?"

Him:"oh remember the card trick prank!?"

Me:"oh yeah so I guess you want me to do the same but for real and not for a prank right?!"

Him:"yeah!She would get confuse but she surely would like to know who did that and then she's going to go to the football field and you would be able to tell and like all the other girls I would be in the back saying 'aaawwnnn' "
He said laughing.

Me:"Alright I will do it but no matter the way that I use to tell her I just want her to know my feelings for her and your not coming to imitate girls"

Him:"ahah yeah don't worry I won't come!"

The next day I didn't went to school.

I would only be there at the end of the day.

I kept thinking of what to tell her.

She probably thinks that I'm not well
but I just want to surprise her.

I'm still really scared that she rejects me.

What if she friend zoned me.

But I promise myself that I would give her some time.

If she needs some time then I would let her.

But I'm really sure she has some feelings for me.

At least just a little bit.

The time finally came and I went to school.

Before the last class of the day would end I slipped the card in her locker and went on the football field.

I heard the bell ring and I was still waiting for her.

After a few minutes I saw her coming from far away so I hide myself behind the banches.

Now she was in the middle of the field.

She was confused.

I approached her slowly from behind.

I grabbed her waist and pulled her to my chest.

Aly's POV.

Me:"Daniel is that you?"

Him:"yes it's me my love"

Knowing that it was him I felt good.

Me:"can you leave me and can I know why you're calling me by cute names like if I was your girlfriend?"

He turned so that I could face him and said

Him:"Aly I have something to tell you"

I really want it to know why he always calls me like that so i said

Me:"no first you will tell me why you call me like that!"

Him:"if you let me tell you what I have to say you'll get your answer at the same time"he said looking deep into my eyes.


Him:"Aly I...I really want you to be's been three years and I still have weird feelings when I see first I thought it was nothing...but...slowly I realized how much I need you...when we became friends I was so happy because I finally had the chance to talk to you and to get to know you..."


He continued...

Him:"your so different and unique,your caring,your innocent and so beautiful from the inside and the outside I just can't take my eyes off you.I don't want it to tell you before because I knew I was a bad boy and I would probably break your heart...but now I really want you to be mine for real...would you like to be my girlfriend?"

I had no words.

He loves me?


But do I love him?

What should I say?

I'm so confuse right now!

Him:"please don't deny it I promise I'll treat you like a princess...please"

Me:"i need some time...I'm not denying your proposal...I just need some time to think...look Daniel no one has never proposed me like this,it's the first time and I'm not really sure"I said that honestly.

Him:"ok I'll wait for my answer tomorrow"he said a little sad.


Him:"oh is that not can take as much time as you want but please don't make me wait to much I really love you"

Me:"umm I'll go now see you tomorrow"

Oh dios! I need to talk to someone about this.

Someone who will help me make a good choice.

But to be honest my heart is so confuse.


Hope you guys enjoyed!
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Peace out ✌️❤️

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