Chapter 16~Full of surprises

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Daniel's POV.

She kissed me!

I was so shocked.

But then I let it go because I love her so much.

She's driving me insane.

After our unforgettable first kiss I looked in her light brown eyes.

Me:"I love you so much and thanks for this amazing gift princess!"

I could see that she was really happy.

Her:"your welcome!"

Me:"now I have a surprise for you too!"

Her:"oh really?and what is that?"

Me:"be ready at 7,I'll pick you up from your house"I said with a smirk.

I want to surprise her too and I know she will love it.

Her:"ok then I'll see you!"

We send our goodbyes to each other and went or own ways.

I'm preparing something amazing!

Aly's POV.

I am in my room and I'm just eating an apple.

I don't really know what to wear for the "surprise"that he prepared.

I was lost in my thoughts when my mom barged in my room.

Me:"hey mom!what's up?"

She looked in my eyes with a big smile and I could see that she was exited.


Mom:"I got you something!"

Me:"oh really?"

A surprise for me?

I didn't even get a good grade or something?

Then why?

She suddenly took out a bag from behind her back and showed me.

Mom:"since you're going to a special date I got you some heels!!"she said wiggling.

I don't really remember the last time I've seen my mom so happy.

I love seeing her smile.

Me:"oh mom thank you so much but you didn't have to"

Mom:"oh please Aly I know you don't really like wearing heels but I don't think I'll ever have another chance to see my daughter in heels!"

Oh she's right on that,I remember when I was a kid and my mom would want me to wear small heels for girls.

I hated that so I used to hide a pair of convers in my school bag and as soon as my mom left me at school I'll take them off and wear my shoes.

Yeah it was not that pretty to see a little girl wearing a dress with shoes but I didn't care I just want it to be comfortable.

I smiled at that thought.

And I also just realized that it's the second time I'm wearing heels for Daniel.

Obviously just for him and for my mom.

Me:"I'll wear them just for you mom!"I half lied.

After giving the bag of shoes and pecking my forehead she started to walk out of my room until I stop her by holding her arm.


Mom:"yes honey?!"

Me:"I love you!"

Mom:"me too sunshine now go get ready your Prince Charming is waiting!"she said pecking my forehead once more.

After that beautiful moment between me and my amazing mom I went to take a nice warming shower.

Then I put on a nice pair of white skinny jeans and a light blue sweater because it's kind of chill outside and I love sweaters.

For the final touch I took my beige purse and put it around my elbow.

I also let my hair open naturally.

Then I took off my heels from the bag and that's when realization hit me.

They are way to high!

I'll fall!

I don't want to get embarrassed!

I should bring my Nike shoes and put them in my bag.

No Aly!Come on grow up a little!

My inner voice said.

I don't care I'll have to bring them in case I get tired.

After putting them in my bag I got out of my room and I was waiting for him in front of the house door.

And believe me I was going to fall more then three times just by walking in my own house.


My mom came to see me.

Mom:"wow sweetie you look beautiful and these heels are amazingly looking good on you!"

Me:"thanks mom!"I said trying not to show the pain in my face.

Mom:"Aly you look kind of tense is everything okay?"she said concerned.

Oh Dios mothers and their sixth sens.

Me:"ok mom I'm just going to be honest with you and tell you that these heels are beautiful and I love them so much but...they are killing me mom!!"i said trying not to make he feel bad.

And suddenly she burst out laughing.

Me:"mom what's so funny!"

Her laugh stopped after a few seconds.

Mom:"sweetie this is normal every woman has to go through this pain and I'm sure you'll be fine it hurts a little at the beginning but after it's perfectly fine and even if you fall your prince will always be there for you!"

Me:"yeah"I said rolling my eyes.

Suddenly I heard a car honking.

I guess it's him!

Me:"ok mom I'll go now see ya!"I said hugging her.

Mom:"see you sweetie!"

I got out of the house trying my best to
walk properly.

As I lift my eyes up I saw something really surprising and shocking for me.

Daniel was on a MOTORCYCLE!!!!

I hope you guys enjoyed!!
Peace out ✌️❤️

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