Chapter 24~Confused

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Aly's POV.

I'm heading to Justin's house.

The other day he nicely gave me his address and phone number saying that if I needed him anytime,I just had to contact him.

So today,I decided to go and see him because I need answers and I think he can help me.And also he's kind of the only person I trust right now.

I thought about last night and I seriously think that I should talk to Alanna personally,even if I hate her right now,but, she literally disappeared these days.

She doesn't pick up my phone calls nor my messages so since Justin is her brother I guess I could have some answers.

Once to his door,I knocked and he opened up a few seconds after.

And there stood a really lazy looking Justin in his pyjamas that has chocolate bars all over them.

Him:"Hey Aly,what brings you here?"

Me:"hey,um,listen we need to talk,do you mind?"

Him:"no I don't mind!Come inside!"

Me:"um,I would love to come inside but look the sun is shining and there's a park just in front,wouldn't it be nice to have a talk there!?"

Him:"eh ok let's go!"

Me:"wait,you're coming in your pyjamas?"I said looking at him like he was kidding.

Him:uh,yeah!Come on let's go!"he said bringing his arm around my shoulders.

We started to walk towards the park.

Him:"so tell me,what's the matter?"

Me:"Justin,look,you know there's so much going on between me and Daniel and you're probably wondering ,what the heck is all of this drama right?"

Him:"well,I don't really like this guy to be honest obviously because he tried to break my beautiful nose but I found that pretty strange of the situation between you guys"

We arrived to the park and we sat at a bench.

Me:"do you mind if I explain you what is happening?"

Him:"ok!Go ahead!"

Me:"ok so,remember the party?"

He nodded.

Me:"well that day,I was eagerly exited to see him cause I love him so much and we would've danced together and have a great time but he cheated on me with your..."

Him:"with my what???"

Me:"with your sister ,Alanna"

Him:"no way!"

Me:"yes he did,and then I couldn't handle my feelings and my anger so I just broke up with him but the problem is that I'm not sure about it..."

I didn't add any details cause I was eagerly impatient to have some answers and I had no time to waste.

Him:"what do you mean?You just said he cheated,how could you not be sure about it?"

Me:"because I feel like I'm wrong,I feel like there is something behind all of this,every time he tells me that it was a mistake...I..."

Him:"you feel like he's right"he completed.

Me:"yes,and I want you to help me"

Him:"I don't know how I should help you"

Me:"it's easy,look,your sister is the one with who Daniel cheated and I want it to talk to her and ask her about it but she's no where to be seen these past few days"

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