Chapter 5~Sleeping beauty

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Aly POV.

I felt kind of bad for letting him with no response.But I couldn't handle it anymore.

I have school today but I'm not going.

Why?...because I can't face him after what happened.It's just too uncomfortable for me too talk about this.

And I hate getting flashbacks of bad memories.

So I just told my mom I'm sick and I can't go to school and like any other mom she knew I was lying.

But she knows i only miss classes when I'm not feeling good.So she let me stay.

I layed on my comfy bed and i fell asleep.

Daniel POV.

I was waiting for her in my first class of the day but she never came...Why?

The conversation that I had with her yesterday was so awkward well not for me but for her.

I could see I how she was hurt when she started to talk about her parents.

But I didn't get who she missed.

She didn't even finished was she was saying and ran out of the class.

And I saw the tear she left too.

I'm sure she's hiding something inside of her heart.

I wanna know the reason behind her broken heart and I want to help her.

That's the least I can do to show her how much I care.

And I can't see her being sad like that...wish I could be hers to comfort her.

But I wanna know why she didn't come to school first.

I guess I'm going to skip the rest of my classes and I'm going to meet her.

Yeah that's a good idea...she'll be really impressed to see me.

I don't care I wanna see her right know.

I took my bag and went to her house.
(You're probably thinking how I know  her address, well I ask her best friend Aisha and she gave it to me but took 10$ in return...who cares at least I can meet her)

Once there I knocked.

An old beautiful lady,around her forties ,who looked like Aly,opened up.

I guess that's her mother.They look so alike.

Me:"Hey miss Rosemberg I would like to meet Aly, is she here?

Her:"Yes she's here but who are you sweetheart?"

Me:"Umm well I'm her best friend and since she didn't come to class she texted me to bring her homeworks and we'll do it together!"

Her:"oh ok come in!"

Me:"She's upstairs in her room,just look at the door who has Aly's name on it.She might be sleeping right now but you can wake her up right?"

Me:"sure don't worry!" I told her with a smile.

I went upstairs ready to see her beautiful face.

When I opened her door she was sleeping peacefully.

I sat near her on her bed and couldn't stop myself from staring at her beauty.

Such a sleeping beauty.

Everyday it becomes harder for me to avoid the fact that I love her.

I just want her in my arms.

I want to kiss her.

And I want her to be mine.

I brought my hand to her face and moved my thumb on her soft cheek.

"Wake up my love" i said sweetly totally forgetting that she would freak out if she knew that I am touching her cheek.

But I can't stop it.

Her:"Mom let me sleep"

Me"Aly it's Daniel"

And the moment she heard my name she woke up immediately.

And started to scream.

I brought my hand on her mouth.

Me:"Chill I'm here to meet you"

She jerked off my hand and said

Her:"What the hell are you doing in my room and who let you come inside my house???" She said a little confused and shocked.

Me:"Aly why didn't you come to school? You know I'm too dumb to work alone on this stupid project."

She got up and want it to open the door of her room to get out in frustration.

But I directly closed the door before she could do anything,I grab her by the waist towards me and pin her on the wall.

Pinning both of her hands to the wall too.

One more move and our bodies would touch.

Me:"Stop escaping from me my love, I hate that!"

Is Daniel crossing his limits?
What will be Aly's reaction?
Hope you guys enjoyed!
This chapter was so fun to write!

Peace out ✌️❤️

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