Chapter 8~Unexpectedly Uncouscious

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Aly's POV.

I was so chocked.

I was so angry.

Natasha's best friend Hannah pushed me in the pool!

How dare she?!

This bi***!!!

Everyone looked at me for a second and then they all started to laugh.

I was so frustrated!

My dress was all wet.

My high heels disappeared I do NOT know how!!


I couldn't handle it anymore so I walked to the edge of the pool to get out.

I shouldn't even listen to him!

So I tried to get out but unfortunately i wasn't able to because it was all slippery.

I tried a lot of times and people were still looking.

Until I felt strong hands around my waist, I turned myself to see who was that person and guess what!?

It was Daniel...SURPRISE!

I jerked off his hands away and finally got out!

Once I was out I didn't know where my heels were so I just ran away and bumped into someone and that someone was Alexander.

I did had tears on my face by now because of this shameful moment.

Alexander got worried and he asked me what happened and I had no words all I want it was to get out of here.

He wiped away my tears with his thumb, took my hand and brought me outside with him in front of his car.

Alex:"what happened? Why are you crying?" he said with a lot of concern,it's crazy how he cared for me even if we just got to know each other a few minutes ago before all of this drama.

Me:"I don't know!!! I was just walking out of there and Hannah pushed me in the pool!!!I don't even know why I came to this stupid party!Daniel pleaded me so I came to this stupid party for his sake but now I hate Natasha so much as well as him because he promised me he would be with me but no mister player was to busy flirting with his girlfriend oh wait my bad we don't even know if they are together or not!!!!"

I said that in one breath,frustrated,sad and angry.

Alexander was really chocked about everything that I just said and I could see that he didn't really know what to do or say.

I wiped my tears away,I went back there and found my heels on the bench, I guess I took them off because they were hurting really bad.

I took them, I could hear people looking at me,laughing and saying things I don't even wanna hear.

After taking a deep breath because I don't want to kill someone today I turned my back and started to walk but someone hold my wrist.

I turned my head and it was Daniel...again.

I was so tired and I honestly didn't know why it's only been one hour that I'm here.

I push his hand slowly not looking at him and not wanting to have a conversation right now.

I started to walk again but Daniel being Daniel got my hand again.

Him:"Please listen to me"

Me:"I just want to go home right now I'll listen to you later"I said not to even looking at him.

Him:"I'm sorry for what happened I should've stay with you"


Suddenly my head started to hurt really badly and it started to spin around.

Please tell me there was not something in my drink.

Oh Dios!

Him:"please forgive me Aly I really need you I won't be able to forgive myself if you leave me like this...please"


The last thing I remember is that darkness took over me.

Hope you enjoyed!
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