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I wake up this morning really tired.

Yesterday I tried to research as much as possible informations to put in the PowerPoint.

I didn't notice the time was passing by and I slept at 12 o'clock.

This morning I put on comfy sweatpants and a black t-shirt.

I'll just keep it natural since it's Monday.

I always keep my style simple and casual.

I eat my delicious breakfast.My brother come in the kitchen and says

Alejandro:"Do you want me to drop you to school?"

Me:"You don't always ask but sure"

Him:"That's because you sleep too much and I don't wanna be late"

Me:"oh come on I don't sleep that much!"

Him:"that's what you think but not what you do honey"*chuckles*

Me:"yeah yeah"

Him:"so you coming"

Me:"of course how can I say no to my lovely brother"

He drop me to school,I thank him and walk towards the school.

While I was entering the school I felt someone's gaze on me but didn't really pay attention to it.

All my classes went well and now I was going to my last class of the day French.

I went to my locker to take my stuff but have to stop when two people were making out on my locker.

First of all its disgusting and on a second note this is not the place to do it.Oh and guess who was the people doing it....Daniel and his girlfriend Natasha.

I politely ask them to move and apparently they didn't hear anything.
I ask them again and Natasha speaks to me

Natasha:"What do you want and why are you looking at my boyfriend!"she said that with a little anger and possessive tone.

Who does she think she is?

Me:"Actually I don't give a shit about you guys but my locker is right behind you and I have to take my stuff ,you know, that's what a locker is for" i said that with full confidence.

She glare at me and then tell him

Natasha:"ok baby I have to go now I'll see you after school"she peck him on the forehead and go away by pushing my shoulder.

I didn't care and directly open my locker.

I take my stuff and close it back.

I walk forward but stop when I felt someone holding my wrist.

I turned around and saw that it was Daniel.

"You forgot your pencil case"

I take my pencil case without thanking him and go to my class.

Once in class I only work and didn't pay attention to what he was up to,I don't know why but he didn't stop looking at me I was feeling so uncomfortable.

Miss roses didn't give us time to work in teams today which means that sometimes I'll have to work out of school to end up the project.But unfortunately with him.

I walk towards my teachers desk to ask for help because the work was so hard. I went to sit beside the teacher so that she could explain me the work.

Once I understood the work I turn my back and accidentally tripped over someone and I thought I would fall but someone caught me by the waist and stopped me from falling.

My eyes were closed and when I opened them I saw Daniel...

Omg Daniel!!!!!
What will be Aly's reaction?
Will Aly start appreciating him as a friend??
Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!
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Peace out ✌️

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