Chapter 18~A new friend

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(Alanna as Sabrina carpenter👆)
Daniel's POV.

I woke up this morning around 6am.

I know it's really early but that's cause I need to work on my sexy body at the gym.

I can't stop thinking about the unforgettable night I had with my princess yesterday.

I'm sure she's sleeping peacefully and obviously dreaming about me.

I took my gym bag,my water bottle and my car keys and got out of the house to my car.

I still remember her shocking cute expression when she saw me with a motorcycle.

Actually the thing is that motorcycles are my first love.

Since young age I always want it to have one.

Specially a blue one.

I would always look through the car windows of my dad and every time that I would see a motorcycle I would jump in excitment and please my dad to buy me one.

Obviously I was just 10 years old at that  time and my dad would told me that he would buy me thousands of motorcycles but first I need to study.

Now that I'm 17 I have my own blue motorcycle and my own car too.

Getting out of my thoughts I got in my car and started to drive to the gym.

Once there I parked my car and went to training.

I have my own personal trainer who helps me get this amazing body.

But even when I'm training the only thing that comes in my mind is Aly.

Nothing else.

After a long time of exercises I took a look at the stunning watch that my princess gave me and it was almost 8am.

I can't be late and I don't want to make my princess waiting.

So I went to change because my clothes were full of sweat.

Once changed I went back to the area where I was exercising and I took my bottle of cologne perfume and sprayed it on me.

I packed all my stuff and wear my gym bag on one of my shoulder.

Anonymous voice:"hey sexy!"

What the...?

I turned around to see who was that person and guess who I saw?

Natasha and a girl who looked really shy just like Aly.

Since when does Natasha has a new friend?

And that also a girl who looks really not like her own personality.

She was not even looking at me but down.

Mmmm??Pretty strange!

And as for Natasha well she was in her "gym clothes" that shows a lot of her skin like always.Unlike her friend she was in full gym clothes.

Her unexpected love Where stories live. Discover now