Chapter 12~Siblings talks

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Aly's POV.

I came home around 5pm.

And i couldn't stop thinking about what happened today.

Like Daniel Martinez the bad boy,the guy I always thought was bad...HE fell in love with me Aly Rosemberg!!!

My mind couldn't get this information.

I was still shocked and still confused.

What should I say?

I don't know if I like him!

I had to talk to someone.

And the only person I could think of right now is Alejandro.

So I went in his room and I found him laid back and reading a book with his Harry Potter glasses on.

He really likes reading history books just like me but I hate history I prefer romantic books.


Him:"oh hey sis what's up!?"he said taking off his glasses and putting his book on his desk.

Me:"can we talk?"

Him:"sure come and sit!"

I did as he said and we started the conversation.

Me:"so there's this guy Daniel and his like my best friend..."

Him:"oh him didn't you told me before that he was a bad boy and that he was not a good person"he interrupted.

Me:"yeah well by this time I didn't really knew him but this time I got to know him and he's really not what I actually thought he was"

Him:"oh okay so what's about him?"

Me:"well it's been a few months that we are chilling together and all today he told me something and I'm just so confuse about it"

Him:"and what did he told you that got you in this situation hermana(sister)?"

Me:"he said that....he....loves me"I said really nervous.

Him:"oh...well mi hermana está creciendo(my sister is growing)!"he said with a smirk.

Me:"I'm serious hermano(brother)!"

Him:"ok ok we'll do you love him?"

Me:"that's actually the thing that is confusing me how am I suppose to know!"

Him:"look it's simple do you have butterflies every time you see him,look at him or when he touches you?"

Me:""i said shyly.

Him:"do you feel good when he's around you?"


Him:"do you feel jealous when he's with other girls?"

Me:"well I did felt something the other day but that was the first time"

Him:"well guess what mi hermosa hermana(my beautiful sister)... you like him too!"

Me:"Really?"I said with a smile I didn't even know I had.

Him:"sí (yes) you do and you should be thanking me because I helped you realize you have feelings for someone!"

Me:"but how do you know?"

Him:"that's a secret but look Aly you like him and that's for sure anyone would say the same believe me!"

Me:"ok thank you so much!!"I said feeling really happy.

Him:"no hay problema( no problem) that's what a brother is for bella!(beautiful)"

Me:"oh my god your so sweet today what happened you have a new girlfriend or it's just an overdosed of books you have read?!"

Him:"I guess your right this book is so good and I think I just put myself into the main character's place!"

I started to laugh.

Me:"ok then I will let you read this book so that you could stay sweet forever because I like you more like this!"I said getting up from his bed.

Him:"hahaha really funny now go and eat dinner I'll read a few more pages and come down after"he said with a smile.

I got out of the room and went to eat downstairs.

I love my brother so much.

And I guess I love Daniel too.

I'm exited and nervous to tell him tomorrow.

Thanks for reading!
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