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Aly's POV.

Me:"Daniel!!!!"I screamed at him.

Him:"what?!"he said still not leaving me.

Me:"Daniel I have to go back home,we can't cuddle our whole life"I said trying to get off of his lap.

Him:"who said we can't?of course we can!Aly,I'm scared of loosing you again" his arms getting tighter on my waist.

Me:"you see this heart"I said pointing in the middle of my chest"he will never ever be able to leave you,to forget you or even to ever betray you,you're my first and will always be my boyfriend"i said kissing his forehead.

Him:"what would I do without you?I really am freaking in love with you!"he said kissing my neck and resting his face in it.

Me:"love you too!...now please leave me or else mom will be worried about me"

Him:"but she knows that you're with me right?"he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

Me:"yes but I told her I'll be home by 7"

Him:"mmm...give me your phone"


Why my phone?

Him:"I just want to check your messages"


Him:"just want to be sure of something"

Me:"that I don't talk to other guys or what?"


Me:"you're serious right now?"

Him:"yeah why would I not be serious!Come on give me your phone!"

Me:"you don't trust me?"


I can't believe he just said that!

Is he possessed!?

I gave him my phone and got off of his lap going to the kitchen to pick up a water bottle and after I'm heading back home.

His mom is so nice to me,she literally became like a second mother to me,and this house is like mine now,I'm not shy like I was before.

I remember when his mom was telling me that she was happy he fell in love with a beautiful sweet Latina and not a white chick,it was so funny!

Anyways getting back to my senses.

Oh I am surely mad at him!


After a few seconds of waiting in the living room where we were before but he just disappeared like that with my phone,he came back.

Me:"are you done?I have to go"I said not looking at him.

Him:"yeah here!"

I took it from him and I started to walk towards the door.

Suddenly I felt Daniel's hand on my arm turning me around and bringing me close to his chest and really close to his face.

Him:"not so fast princess,you're staying with me tonight"

I could smell his strong cologne perfume sending shivers trough my body.

Me:"what are you talking about?"I said trying not to get distracted.

Him:"I didn't take your phone to check your messages but instead to ask your amazing mom if you could spend the night with me and guess what?She said yes"

Her unexpected love Where stories live. Discover now