Chapter 13~Annoying Boyfriend

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Aly's POV.

I came at school around 8am.

I was wearing simple clothes as usual.

I was really nervous to tell him.

Why is it so hard for me to tell my feelings?

But I still want him to know that deep down inside of me there's a strange feeling every time I'm with him.

I decided to tell him as soon as I see him.

I'm sure he'll pass by to say 'hi' anyways.

I was sitting calmly in the cafeteria drinking my chocolate milk and reading a book.

I was really lost into the book when suddenly someone pulled away my book from my hands.

I got up angry to see who was that dumb ass and saw Daniel.

Him:"hey princess reading without me?"

Me:"Daniel give me back my book I have to finish this chapter the character is going to propose to the girl please!"

Him:"oh really?well I proposed to you too and I'm still waiting for my answer princess!"

I just realized what he just said.



Me:"I have..."

Him:"you have..."

Me:"can you stop repeating after me!Let me speak!"

Him:"ok I'm sorry go ahead oh and you're really cute when you're shy"

This guy!!!

And yes I was blushing.

Me:"I have my answer...I would like you're...girlfriend Daniel"

I could his face lightened up.


Me:"yes I would like to give this relationship a chance"I said looking into his eyes.

Him:"I love you"he said embracing me into a hug and I did the same.

And once again I felt butterflies and I felt good.

The bell rang I broke the hug and he gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving for his class.

I blushed and went to my history class.

Almost all of my classes are with him except for history and physical education.

During lunch Daniel joined me and my friends to eat.

I could see everyone looking at him.

Because he was not with Natasha and the rest of his gang.But instead he was with me.

He sat beside me bringing his arm around my shoulders and giving me a another peck on the other cheek.I blushed again.

Him:"how are you princess?"

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