Chapter 7~The Party

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Aly's POV

Months past really fast and I got really close to Daniel.

We hang out.

We work together.

He talk to me about his life and I did the same.

He text me everyday.

He call me every night.

And we were actually best friends by now.

I did like his company.

I never thought we would actually be really good friends.

Like literally I'm just a simple girl.

There's so many girls out there and he only flirts with other girls.

But with me he's different,it's like he really cares about the relation we have and he's not playing any games.

In some kind of way I feel protected around him.

I already have two best friends and I chill and have fun with them but with Daniel it was different.

He had an affect on me.

And I didn't really know what it was.

I guess I'm just new to this because i never had friends as guys before.

Today I'm going to all the other days.

I got out of my house and got in the bus.

While I was taking a seat I saw Natasha giving me death glares.

What is it with this girl and her death glares.

And that was not the first time.

Since the day me and Daniel started to hang out together this girl did not stop to giving me glares.

And I don't know how but Daniel knew that.

He told me that she's just jealous and she thinks that I'm his girlfriend...but I'm definitely not.

I was entering the school and went to my locker.

I took my stuff and went to my math class.

Ugghhhh i hate math so much.

I was taking my seat and I was listening to the teacher carefully or else I never understand.

So it's really important that I listen.

Ten minutes were left to the class.

Suddenly I received a text message from Daniel who was sitting on the other side of the classroom near the wall.


Aly:hey but why are disturbing me Daniel I already told I can't be disturb in math class or else I never understand!

Daniel:I'm sorry i know but I really have something to tell you!Please!

Aly:Go ahead😒

Daniel:I have a party tonight and I really want you to come.Please🤗

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