Chapter 17~Our first dance

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Aly's POV.

Since when does he knows how to drive a motorcycle?

Oh hell Na!

I'm not getting on this thing with these huge high heels!

And I'm a little scared what if an accident happens?We'll be both hospitalized!!!

Well I won't let this happened!

He was looking deep in my eyes waiting for me to come and see him.

He looked at me from bottom to top.

And then he smirked.

He was wearing black jeans,a white shirt and a black leather jacket.

He was also wearing the watch that a gave him.

It suited him so well.

He's so hot.

And with this bike he's even more hotter.

The next thing I did was really unexpected.

I continue walking towards him and the moment I got near him I stopped.

I looked everywhere but him.

I hesitated on saying something or just get on the motorcycle.

He was about to take my hand and say something but I turned left side and started walking fast to the bus stop.

I tried my best to not fall with these heels.

He is surely shocked.

Please don't be upset Daniel!

Him:"Aly!Where are you going?What the..."

Me:"just tell me where we have to go and I'll go there by bus"I said still walking.

He followed me and obviously he was faster then me.

Him:"Wait...are you scared of motorcycles or something you're not even going to say hi to me!Aly you know I hate when you ignore me please just stop walking fast for me..!!"

I stopped and I turned to his side to face him.

Me:"I'm not getting on this motorcycle Daniel!"

Him:"but please It's not as bad as you think it is"

Me:"I already said what I had to say"

With that being said I turned around and I was about to walk away but he pulled my arm and turned me to face him again.

Him:"I asked you to go on a date you can't deny"

Is he serious!

I thought a little more of the consequences of me getting on a motorcycle.

Then I thought that it's actually rude to say no.

Me:"fine but wait let me put on my shoes"

Him:"uhh you already have some on your foots"

Me:"not these ones you dumbass I'm talking about these ones"i said getting out of my purse my shoes.

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